Issue : April 1999
Digital Pilot Generator (DPG)
The DPG is connected to the data acquisition system through an Ethernet link and
acts as a master control unit for the VE 432 system.
The DPG can be :
fully integrated with the SN 388 acquisition system,
or connected to any other type of acquisition system, using its own graphic
user interface.
or used as Slave unit to control acquisition start on a remote (slave)
acquisition system.
Digital Servo Drive (DSD)
Installed in each vibrator, the DSD performs real time control of the vibrator ground
force, computes and transmits a complete attribute set for a QC data base.
Maintenance modes are available that make it possible to easily check the
performance of the vibrator hardware and the GPS system.
VE432 Main features
Signal generation
Up to 4 different simultaneous pilot signals are generated by the DPG.
A pilot or a sweep signal is generated from an operator-defined library of 32 basic
signals combined with up/down, phase shift parameters.
Basic signals are defined by their frequency range, frequency vs. time law, time
duration, tapers and amplitude vs. time law.
A single DPG can handle up to 4 vibrator fleets with a total of 28 vibrators.
Digital vibrator control
By an automatic identification procedure, the VE432 digital model is adapted to any
type of vibrator without the need for manual adjustment.
The fully digital auto-adaptive servomechanism performs an optimal control which
minimizes the phase and distortion and maximizes the fundamental output.
Optimal digital control allows :
fast sweep rate,
combination of sweep segments with no dead time, used in cascaded
pseudo-random sweeps, for environmentally friendly vibration,
unlimited variety of user-defined sweeps (custom sweep type).
Exxon Patent