____________________________________________________________________________ 4 Ethernet
PolaRx3e Product Family Hardware Manual v1.1.0
In PolaRx3e, Ethernet connectivity is provided through a WiPort
NR serial-to-Ethernet device from
Lantronix, which communicates with the COM3 port of the internal SSRC1 core.
The WiPort is configured to accept a TCP/IP connection through port 28784. By default, it uses
dynamic address allocation and requires the presence of a DHCP server on the network. The hostname
is to be found on a sticker at the bottom side of the receiver. The next section explains how to modify
the WiPort configuration.
The DHCP protocol will fail when the PolaRx3e is connected to a switch using the Spanning-Tree
protocol. This protocol is enabled in most modern managed switches. To avoid the problem, it is
recommended to put a simple non-managed switch (with no Spanning-Tree protocol) between the
PolaRx3e and your main LAN switch.
A simple way to experiment with controlling the receiver over TCP/IP connection is to use the telnet
program, specifying port number 28784. For example, if your receiver hostname is c9F6914,
communication with port 28784 can be established by using:
telnet c9F6914 28784
From that moment on, everything that is typed is sent to the receiver, and the replies from the receiver
are displayed on the screen. Note that the prompt on the TCP/IP connection is “
”. This is
because the TCP/IP socket is redirected to COM3 of the SSRC1 core.
The available Ethernet bandwidth is that of a serial connection at 115200 bauds.
Modifying the IP Configuration
The following explains how to switch between a fixed and a dynamic IP address allocation. Two
procedures are described. The first one uses the web interface of the Lantronix device, and requires
the receiver to be accessible on your network. The second one must be used if you have no network
access to your receiver.
Using the Web Interface
Enter the hostname or IP address of your receiver in your web browser. For example, if your
receiver hostname is c9F6914, enter the following URL in your browser:
Simply press the <Enter> key if prompted for a password. Your browser shows the WiPort
Web-Manager as shown below.