4 Rover operation
4.1 How to con
gure the AsteRx-U MARINE Fg
for RTK
The AsteRx-U MARINE Fg can use correction data to calculate a cm-level RTK position. The
AsteRx-U MARINE Fg can get this correction data in several ways: using the build-in UHF
radio, over GSM/GPRS or Ethernet.
4.1.1 How to con
gure the AsteRx-U MARINE Fg in
RTK rover mode using the UHF radio
When GSM/GPRS network coverage is either sparse or unreliable, RTK correction data can be
transmitted over UHF radio. The AsteRx-U MARINE Fg has build-in Satel radio modem that
can be used to both receive and transmit data.
Step 1: Enable RTK mode
RTK should be enabled as a positioning mode. This can be done in the
GNSS, Position
window by checking the
box in the
Position Mode
eld as shown in Figure 4-1. The
default setting is for all positioning modes to be enabled.
Figure 4-1:
Ensure that RTK positioning mode is enabled