Be Prepared
Perform fire drills regularly. Use them to assure recognition of an alarm
signal. For your protection, simulate different circumstances (smoke
the hall, living room, etc.). Then have everyone react to the situation.
Draw a floor plan and show two exits from each room. It is important
that children be instructed carefully. Their tendency is to hide in a
It is imperative that one meeting place outside the home be estab-
lished. You should insist that everyone meet there during an alarm.
This will eliminate the tragedy of someone reentering the house for a
missing member who is actually safe.
If you have small children and/or invalids residing in your household,
you can help your fire department by placing decals on bedroom
windows. Most fire departments supply the decals.
Become familiar with the distinctive sounds of your Fire alarm and
Burglar alarm signals.
Supervisory Alarm
(ZX400/ZX410/ZX440F only)
& Fire Trouble
If a trouble condition for a Fire zone is displayed on your keypad,
consult your installer. A Fire Trouble condition results when a fire alarm
is silenced and the smoke detector has not been reset, or the smoke
detector is dirty and needs to be cleaned/serviced. A Fire Trouble also
results when a Fire zone is bypassed.
If none of the above apply, the Fire Trouble may be due to a wiring
problem and a service call may be required. A Supervisory Alarm
condition indicates that the fire suppression system has been compro-
Use your neighbor’s phone or street fire alarm box. The job of extin-
guishing the fire should be left to the professionals. Too many unfore-
seen things can occur when inexperienced people try to extinguish a