Large, Medium and Small Interior Boxes
For the Large and Medium Boxes:
Lay the part flat folding the side panels upward as shown above. Fold the side panels (the “Main
Side Panels”) that have two (2) flanges and two (2) extended tabs attached upward until the flanges meet together. Push the cover side
panel with 1 or 2 holes in it (the “Cover Side Panel”) upward making sure its two (2) flanges go over the flanges attached to the Main
Side Panels and are folded inside the Main Side Panels. Insert the tabs attached to the Main Side Panels into the slot openings on the
Cover Side Panel locking all sides into place. Tuck the end of the Cover Side Panel inside the box opening to close. Tuck the end of the
Cover Side Panel inside the box opening to close. Insert the two (2) Large Boxes (with the holes in the boxes pointing upwards) into the
Box Bottom between the two (2) Open Slip Cases. Insert the four (4) Medium Boxes (with the holes in the boxes pointing upwards) into
the Box Bottom between the two (2) Open Slip Cases and on top of the two (2) Large Boxes.
For the Small Boxes:
Lay the part flat folding the side panels upward. Please note there are two (2) part pieces that
each have two (2) 1 5/8” square flanges attached. Lift such two (2) part pieces upwards until the ends of the flanges
meet together forming a rectangle. Fold the side panels with attached extended tabs over the flanges and insert the
tabs into the slot openings locking the side panels into place. Tuck the end of the remaining panel inside the box
opening to close.
Please note the following before beginning to assemble: there are two (2) flanges attached to each long side panel of the Tray Body; the
short side panel of the Tray Body closest to the slot openings in the bottom of the Tray Body (the “Tray Body Slot Openings”) will be
hereafter called the “Tray Compartment Side Panel”; the short side panel opposite the Tray Compartment Side Panel will be hereafter
called the “Open Compartment Side Panel”; the Tray Compartment Side Panel and the Long Tray Divider each has three (3) flaps that
will be used to lock the two (2) Short Tray Dividers into place; and both Short Tray Dividers and the Long Tray Divider have two (2)
flanges on each end of the dividers. Fold the side panels of the Tray Body upward as shown above and make sure the flanges attached to
the long sides of the Tray Body are pointed inward. The short and long side panels of the Tray Body have top flaps that will eventually
lock certain Tray components into place. No matter in which order it is done, the important thing to note is that (a) the flaps on the Long
Tray Divider and the Tray Compartment Side Panel will lock the two (2) Short Tray Dividers in place and (b) the top flaps of the Tray
Compartment Side Panel and the Open Compartment Side Panel are rolled over the flanges on the long sides of the Tray Body and locked
into the Tray Body. Take the Long Tray Divider and the two (2) Short Tray Dividers and fold them open as shown above. Insert the
flanges attached to the two (2) Short Tray Dividers into the side slots of the flaps of the Long Tray Divider and lock them into place by
folding the flaps on the Long Tray Divider over the flanges of both Short Tray Dividers and carefully insert the tabs extending from the
Long Tray Divider into the Tray Body Slot Openings.
Also, insert the flanges attached to the opposite end of both Short Tray Dividers into the side slots of the flaps of the
Tray Compartment Side Panel and lock them into place by folding the flaps of the Tray Compartment Side Panel
over the flanges on such Short Tray Dividers and locking such flaps into the Tray Body. Roll the flaps attached to the
Tray Compartment Side Panel over (1) the flanges attached to each long side panel of the Tray Body and (2) the
flanges attached to the end of both Short Tray Dividers and lock them into place in the Tray Body. Roll the flaps
attached to both long side panels of the Tray Body over the flanges attached on each end of the Long Tray Divider
locking the Long Tray Divider into place. Finally, roll the flap attached to the Open Compartment Side Panel over
the flanges attached to each long side panel of the Tray Body and lock them into place in the Tray Body. The
finished tray should resemble the illustration above. Insert the five (5) Small Boxes into the Tray’s largest open
compartment so they back up against the Tray’s three (3) smallest compartments. Insert the assembled Tray into the
Box Bottom between the sides of the Box Liner so it rests on top of the Open Slip Cases and Medium Boxes. Now,
carefully insert the Box Top on top of the Box Bottom. It might be a tight fit initially, but eventually the Box Top
will loosen up and fit more easily on the Box Bottom.
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