ST308 Mobile IPDA
Chinese and English, you can also directly edit the raw
bytes to facilitate the input, the decimal value of each byte is
marked with minus sign segmentation, numerical overflow
section will automatically discarded.
Raw bytes: When editing the right box, you can input
audio and other information at the bottom hexadecimal code.
Then click write to.
When the device according to the card when the card
contacts within the URI and MIME start different functions,
such as phone calls, open web pages, etc.
URI is the uniform resource descriptor; MIME is
Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions.
2. RFID UHF card record Identification
(Demo program)
RFID UHF module supports operating frequency
840-960MHZ, support for international common UHF RFID
standards, including all rate and encoding options. Users
can choose the desired configuration. Demo program
interface is as follows: