User Guide
Rev 1.0
Command No.
Command Descriptions
[The exposure time (CLK) of the electronic shutter]
Initial data: SHR [15…0] = 0, data range: 0 to 779
This and SVR[15…0] set the preset shutter speed (or CCD exposure time) for the electronic shutter.
The preset shutter speed is defined by the following formula:
Preset Shutter Speed = SVR[15…0] x (1H cycle time) + SHR[15…0] x (1CLK cycle time)
1. The data in 20H through 23H reflects to the preset shutter speed.
2. The camera works with the shutter off (maximum shutter speed) when both SVR[] and SHR[] are set at 0.
3. The camera works with the minimum shutter speed when this value is set between 1 and 306 and SHR[] is
set to 0.
4. The value replaces by 779 automatically when this value is set to greater than 779.
[The start line of the variable partial scanning]
Initial data: PSR[15…0] =, data range: 0 to 493
This sets the start line number of the variable partial scanning area.
Actual start line of the variable partial scanning = this value + 1
1. The camera works with full scanning when the value of (PSR[] + PSW[]) is greater than 494.
2. The value replaces by 493 automatically when this value is set greater than 493.
[The total effective line numbers in the variable partial scanning]
Initial data: PWR[15…0] = 494, data range: 0 to 494
The sets the number of the total effective lines (the image height) in the variable partial scanning.
1. The camera works with full scanning when the value of (PSR[] + PSW[]) is greater than 494 or this value is
set to 0.
2. The value is replaced by 494 automatically when this value is set to greater than 494.
DLY [7…0]
[The delay time for the trigger] Initial data: DLY[7…0] = 0, data range: 0 to 31
This sets the delay time for the input trigger signal to the start of the exposure.
Delay time is defined by the following formula:
Delay Time = 148CLK x DLY[7…0] ( Unit is clocks)
Note: CLK = pixel clock time is µseconds
[The CDS gain] Initial data; PGA[7…0] = , data range: 0 to 255
This sets the CDS gain, which is the programmable gain.
CDS gain is defined by the following formula:
CDS Gain = 3.64 + 0.132 x (PGA[7…0] + GOFS[7…0]) (Unit is dB)
The analog gain of CCD output is defined by the DCS gain as shown below:
Analog gain = pre-amp (6 dB) + CDS gain (Unit is dB)