SENS EnerGenius® DC Wallbox Technical Manual
setting or maximum power output (whichever occurs first). When this alarm is assigned to a relay
contact CURRENT LIMITING will cause the assigned relay to change to the Failed state after the
time delay.
Ground Fault Positive
Indicates a short circuit or high impedance leakage current (greater than 500uA) exists from the
charger positive to ground. Chargers intended for Marine and Utility/Industrial applications are
shipped with this alarm enabled. Ground fault settings can be adjusted using the front panel
keypad. Adjustments include ground fault polarity and sensitivity. The sensitivity adjustment
range is from 0 (OFF) to 5,000µA in 100µA increments. A Setup Error code will alert user if this is
adjusted beyond the charger capability. When this alarm is assigned to a relay contact GROUND
FAULT POSITIVE will cause the assigned relay to change to the Failed state after the time delay.
Ground Fault Negative
Indicates a short circuit or high impedance leakage current (greater than 500uA) exists from the
charger negative to ground. Chargers intended for genset applications are shipped with the
ground fault alarm disabled. Chargers intended for Marine and stationary power applications are
shipped with ground fault enabled. Ground fault settings can be adjusted using the front panel
keypad. Adjustments include ground fault polarity and sensitivity. The sensitivity adjustment
range is from 0 (OFF) to 5,000µA in 100µA increments. A Setup Error code will alert user if this is
adjusted beyond the charger capability. When this alarm is assigned to a relay contact GROUND
FAULT NEGATIVE will cause the assigned relay to change to the Failed state after the time delay.
Low Current
Indicates current from the charger is below the Low Current Alarm setpoint. Unless specified by
customer order chargers are shipped with the low current alarm disabled. When this alarm is
assigned to a relay contact LOW CURRENT will cause the assigned relay to change to the Failed
state after the time delay.
Load Share Fail
Indicates that modules or chargers connected for load sharing are not sharing the current load.
When this alarm is assigned to a relay contact LOAD SHARE FAIL will cause the assigned relay to
change to the Failed state after the time delay.
AutoBoost Lockout Active
Indicates the Boost mode time limit has expired and charger has returned to Float mode. Boost
mode is disabled until the time limit is reset. The Boost time limit is reset if charger power is
cycled. The Boost time limit is set to 24 hours by default. When this alarm is assigned to a relay
contact AUTOBOOST LOCKOUT ACTIVE will cause the assigned relay to change to the Failed state
after the time delay.
DC Below Startup Voltage
Indicates battery voltage is below the Startup Voltage setpoint or the configured level if setpoint
is adjusted using keypad or SENS Setup Utility. When this alarm is assigned to a relay contact DC
BELOW STARTUP VOLTAGE will cause the assigned relay to change to the Failed state after the
time delay.
Battery Check
Indicates battery has failed the most recent battery check. This is a latching alarm. This alarm is
cleared by passing a new battery check or by manual reset. When this alarm is assigned to a relay
contact BATTERY CHECK will cause the assigned relay to change to the Failed state after the time