EM 3700 Series
EM 3700 Series
EM 3732 True Diversity Receiver
General Description
The new EM 3700 Series combines highest operational reliability, best sound
quality and great convenience and comfort for the user. The wide switching
bandwidth of 90 MHz and many connection options make these receivers the
most flexible tools in the market. They feature a number of innovative func-
tions, such as a digital audio output, high-contrast display and extraordinarily
intuitive operation via an icon-based menu. Via their Ethernet connector, the
receivers can easily be integrated into any network to be remote-controlled
and monitored via the Sennheiser Wireless Systems Manager (WSM) software.
The sync function ensures a quick system set-up, enabling SK 5212, SKM 5200
and SKP 3000 transmitters to be synchronised with the receivers via an infra-
red interface. The receivers are fitted with an AES3/EBU digital audio interface
for direct connection to digital mixing consoles.
DSP-based HiDyn plus expander
AES 3 digital audio output
External word clock synchronisation of the digital audio output
Loop through connector for the word clock signal
Audio ouput level adjustable in 1dB steps
Transformer-balanced audio output
90 MHz switching bandwidth
Channel banks with 6 fixed banks and one user adjustable bank with up to 60 channels
Scan function within the channel banks
Continuous scan together with the Sennheiser “Wireless Systems Manager”
Frequencies adjustable in steps of 5 kHz
Squelch setting indicated on display all the time
Command audio output (only EM 3732 COM)
Ethernet connection to PC
Antenna loop-through for daisy-chaining up to 8 receivers
Jog dial to navigate through the menue
Hot keys for save, sync, headphones and escape
Intuitive menue icons
Extraordinarily easy and quick overview of all settings
Bright, high-contrast display
Monitoring and control via the Sennheiser WSM software
Simultaneous headphone monitoring of both channels of the twin receive