Sengoku OR-77 Replacement Instructions Download Page 3


Wick Replacement Instructions for Omni Radiant Ker

osene Heaters

Step 18

Check the function of safety shut off 

mechanism by pushing down the manual 

shut off lever or upsetting the pendulum.

Step 17

Check height of wick (10+-1mm). Check for 

correct clearance between wick holder and 

draft tube (all around). This can be done eas-

ily using 5/32 or 3/16 dia. drill bit.   

Step 15

Position the adjuster shaft to the front of the 

heater. Use the knob to rotate the wick con-

trol shaft clockwise by ¾ turn. This rotates the 

ratchet clockwise by ¾ turn. Turn the knob 

clockwise and counter-clockwise a few times to 

make sure that the wick travels up and down 

smoothly. Hold the latch to prevent the safety 

shut off device from being activated. 

Step 16

Reinstall the automatic ignition assembly. 

Snug, but do not tighten 4 wing nuts on 

the mounting studs, then raise the wick to 

the full “up” position, and evenly tighten 

wing nuts in several steps. 

Step 14

Ensure that the rubber gasket is in place 

and slide the wick and holder back on the 

draft tube. Rotate them 90 degrees left 

and right and up and down until the wick 

slides freely.   

Step 13

Replace the wick adjusting knob on its 

shaft and check to see that the spring 

of the wick adjuster assembly is free of 

torque (has no tension).   
