A New column named
is the Trigger Source that generated the log line.
For example
line indexed 9 is generated from the “B” trigger (DIN2 HIGH).
Line indexed 10 is generated
from “A” and “B” trigger at the same time (DIN1 and DIN2 HIGH).
Note that the RTU directly calculates Average/Minimum/Maximum of an embedded analog input.
The Data Logger filename is:
RTUNAME is the name of the RTU
yyyy is the year of the first row data
MM is the month of the first row data
dd is the day of the first row data
hh are the hours of the first row data
mm are the minutes of the first row data
ss are the seconds of the first row data
So the filename of the first example can be:
Sending data logger and data logger on trigger data to an E-MAIL server
RTUs are compatible only with SMTP servers without encryption using the Ethernet or GPRS/UMTS+ Always ON
(PPP) connection.
Z-GPRS3 / Z-UMTS / Z-LTE / Z-LTE-WW are compatible also with SMTPS server with SSL encryption (for example
GMAIL™) but only with GPRS
/UMTS+ connection NOT always ON (PPP must be off).
An example of SMTP server that can
works without encryprion is hMailServer for windows™ , for more info:
If the connection with the server is lost the RTU will accumulate the data and when the connection is returned
all data is sent up to align to actual acquisition.
A typical mail sent has a text in the body with the timestamp and the log file in attachment: