The LC103 is designed to provide you with the safest
possible method of testing capacitors and inductors. The
STOP TESTING indicators of the LC103 are a flashing
LED indicator on the front panel, a warning message in
the display, and an audible alarm. These important
features alert you when a potential shock hazard exists in
the component or circuit being tested. A hazard may be
caused by a blown test lead fuse which prevents the
capacitor from discharging, or a circuit charge of 10 V or
———————— WARNING —————————
When the STOP TESTING LED flashes and the
alarm sounds, stop all testing with the LC103. The
capacitor may be charged. Follow the procedure
Lorsque la LED d’arrête du test clignote et que
l’alarme sonore est active, arrêter tous les tests avec
le LC103. La capacité peut être chargé. Suivre la
procedure suivante.
If the STOP TESTING indicators activate:
Stop all testing with the LC103.
Carefully discharge the capacitor you are testing by
connecting a 10 kilohm 1 Watt resistor across the
terminals or remove the voltage from the circuit
points the test leads are connected to.
Replace the Lead Fuse if blown (see below).
Resume testing.
Lead Fuse
A 1 amp, Slo-Blo (2AG) fuse is located on the front
panel of the ReZolver. This fuse protects the unit from
external voltages or current overloads. For your safety,
the LC103 ReZolver is equipped with a stop testing
alarm. This alarm is triggered when either the fuse blows
or the protection circuits open. If either of these
conditions occur, the STOP TESTING LED will flash
and an audible alarm will be activated.
Fuse Replacement
The test lead fuse is located on the front panel for ease of
replacement. Always replace the fuse with a fuse of the
same type and rating.
To replace the fuse:
Turn the LC103 off.
Use a small blade screwdriver to turn the fuse holder
counterclockwise until the fuse releases.
Replace the fuse with the same type and rating. (1
amp, 2AG Slo-Blo)
Use the screwdriver to gently push inward while
turning the fuse holder clockwise back into place.
The two sets of test leads supplied with the LC103 are
made of special, low capacity coaxial cable. Using any
other cable will add extra capacity to the meter circuits,
which may not be within the range of the lead zeroing
circuits. Attempting to zero the leads with another,
higher capacitance cable connected may cause the
DISPLAY to show an error message. This indicates that
the value is beyond the zeroing limits of the LC103.
Adjustable In-Circuit Test Probe
The In-Circuit Test Probe was designed to test as many
components in-circuit as possible. The spacing width is
adjusted using the knurled wheel. A test activation
switch is molded into the probe to make in-circuit testing
easier. When a COMPONENT TYPE is selected,
pressing the activation switch activates the In-Circuit
Capacitor or Inductor test depending on COMPONENT
TYPE selection. If no COMPONENT TYPE is selected
the LC103 will display an error message stating that you
need to enter the type of component under test.
———————— WARNING —————————
Always remove AC power from the circuit when
performing any of the LC103s In-Circuit test
functions. Failure to do so may result in a shock
hazard and damage to the test instrument.
Toujours retirer la prise secteur lorsque vous faites
des tests dans le circuit. Si cela n’est pas realize,
l’utilisateur peut recevoir des chocs électriques et
l’équipement peut être endommagé.
The test activation button only activates the in-circuit
tests, it will not activate any of the out-of-circuit test
functions. When an in-circuit test is activated by the test
activation button on the probe, the LC103 will display
the results for 3 seconds after the button is released. This
allows for component testing without having to look
away from the circuit. In addition, a short beep will be
heard once the LC103 has finished the first complete