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Summary of Contents for 10U

Page 1: ...Motorc cycle Blu uetooth C Commun 1 10U nication S System w with Han ndlebar R Remote 10U ...

Page 2: ... 10U for Arai he the Arai fu Labs of San M GoPro is an ing for Bluetoo ned by the B of Apple Inc Z y TomTom In 2 ed ny changes a bsidiaries in th H10 SPH10 or GoPro are mission of Sen Co Ltd The Inc for the S ured by Sena T Welk Gmbh Th chnologies In full face helm ull face helme Mateo Califor after market a oth capabilitie luetooth SIG Zumo is a tr nternational B and improvem he USA and o 0H SPH1...

Page 3: ...twares Sena Device Sena Smartp HE 10U WIT e Phone Pair nd Mobile Ph nced Selectiv A2DP Stereo HFP for Pho om Pairing Pairing with Pairing with HONE GPS e Phone Call d Dialing Navigation SR10 Two W USIC ooth Stereo M Sharing way Intercom Starting Two ON YOUR H Air e Off Remote et and the H ery Level nt e Manager phone App H BLUETOO ring Mobile hone Pairing ve Pairing A o Music Only one Call Only Ot...

Page 4: ... way U O Radio On Off et Stations k and Save n and Save porary Prese on Selection N PRIORITY RATION SET gning Speed bling Disablin bling Disablin bling Disablin bling Disablin bling Disablin bling Disablin te All Bluetoo ory Reset mote Control t Voice Conf RE UPGRADE SHOOTING com Failure com Reconn way Interco om ee way Inter ee way Interc m r way Interco r way Interco ENCE PHON OM om Pairing sal ...

Page 5: ...17 15 3 Fault 15 4 Facto 7 OPERATIO 17 1 Using 17 2 Using t Reset ory Reset ON QUICK R g the Handle g the Headse REFERENCE ebar Remote et Buttons E 5 10U ...

Page 6: ...tooth 4 Profile A2D to determine e carefully be formation re custom desig ons by Bluet p to 1 kilomet Phone and A r with a statio rol e eadset Profi Control Profi Motorcycle Bl e Handlebar S navigations 4 0 supportin P and Aud e their compa efore using th lated to Sena n tooth Low En ter 0 6 miles Android on scan and le Hands Fr le AVRCP 6 uetooth Com Remote to c s wirelessly g the followi dio Vid...

Page 7: ...2 PA ACKAG 10U Head Handleba USB Pow Cigarette E CONT dset ar Remote wer and Data Charger TENTS a Cable 7 10U ...

Page 8: ...tween t center pad ON YO cheek pads a eek pad base pad in the b e snap holde al shell and k pad base an the external and reinstal 8 UR HEL and ear pads e and insert t back and inse er of the batte the left inner nd insert the shell and the l the cheek LMET s of your helm the two clasp ert the batte ery unit r shell Align e two clasps i e left inner s pads Make met ps in the corr ery unit betw its ...

Page 9: ...Hand of your moto cheek pads a eek pad base pad in the b e snap holde al shell and k pad base an the external and reinstal lebar Remot orcycle Make 9 and ear pads e and insert t back and inse er of the batte the left inner nd insert the shell and the l the cheek te e sure you c s of your helm the two clasp ert the batte ery unit r shell Align e two clasps i e left inner s pads Make can comforta me...

Page 10: ...nd paus rack forward nter into voic avigate throu eek FM radio dset pairing TED Bluetooth Ha Handlebar R on the heads airing mode phone call bile phone an tment ercom pairing intercom co nd a mobile oming mobile se Bluetooth and track ba ce configurat ugh configur o station mode andlebar Rem Remote for m set to contro nd headset g mode nversation phone call e phone call stereo devic ack music tion...

Page 11: For ex for your Blu ery audio sou utton and the eadset pres oodbye tton and the seconds until Handlebar Remote On t u Keep tap s and hold th will be paired andlebar Rem You can us and turn blu ote is powerin ng the Joyst is set and m xample once etooth MP3 urce 11 e Button a ss the Bu blue LED w l red LED fla Remote the headset pping the he Rear Butt d shortly afte mote by con se any stand ue w...

Page 12: ...e the ed dial prese on downloadi configure de please refer ne App and for Android o 12 e firmware an ets FM radi ing the Devic evice settings r to section you can co or iPhone fro nd configure o frequency ce Manager s and read th 5 1 Mobile nfigure its se m www sena e the device presets and please visit he User s Gu Phone Pair ettings direct a com app settings dire d more It is www sena c uide and...

Page 13: ...s may no has been co within three m e headset an e headset an ay Second M with only one obile phone ave a mobile s d the Joystic n again the FP device S ces may not ring is comp 13 UETOOT her Bluetooth bile phones th other Sena mains paired d single beep phone Med Bluetooth S a Bluetooth s you hear a v ne Select th ot ask for the ompleted and minutes the nd a mobile nd a media p Mobile Ph HFP Hand...

Page 14: ... Stere times you m e instruction e A2DP for s hone to the pairing list o 3 9 Factory se refer to th e settings m nt Button for for 1 second martphone S hones may no nt Button for again then th martphone S hones may no 14 music sourc g Mobile Ph ransmits turn e pter for grou eard in the b nnected to th R10 while ha eo or Hand may need to ns are for a stereo music 10U you m on the 10U y Reset or 1 h...

Page 15: ...s that you wo dset A and B airing one of the tw atically estab ocess is not c P headsets A Come First set as first nd listed above and headse Models for In ena headse cedure as abo ay or four w other Sena 15 Conversati s for Bluetoot ould like to p for 5 second wo headsets blished The completed w Pairing A A and C an t Served If intercom fr headset D et B is the th ntercom Co et models su ove to p...

Page 16: ...dial menu wn navigate ect a voice m SR10 d Answerin y tap the Fro by loudly spe onnected to press the Jo seconds unt hone and the e call eypad and m do not autom one keypad e to activate hone Refer ur headset an e the call fro automatically S connected ng the voice s u double tap between the menu among 16 ng nt Button or eaking any w intercom oystick for 2 til you hear a e headset du make a call T...

Page 17: ...s Fro Use phon Double ta Tap Front Mobile Phon described in up or down blished after t Adapter U Bluetooth in n 5 2 Seco n but is hea k seat and u 17 hear a voice up or down e the Joystick d If you do n ode e headset to ng the spee t Button or P t Button or P ystick for 2 ont Button fo ne keypad ap Front Butt t Button e Call Butto n section 5 2 n to adjust v the GPS voic ntercom sim ond Mobile P a...

Page 18: ... the 1 pports the a ou can use th such as play tick for 1 sec k up or down d hold the Jo om friend us ercom Wh g music pre or track back motely contr are using you 18 10U by follow audio Video he 10U to re y pause ne cond until you n oystick for 1 sing Bluetoot hen you term ess the Joyst k move the J rol music pla ur mobile pho wing the Blu Remote Con motely contr xt track and u hear a dou second ...

Page 19: ... the Joys ess the Joys essing the Jo ce intercom e way confer However le phones a intercom te r friends B e of the two end B Or i n the intercom 19 s described in ny intercom f intercom fri stick for 1 se stick for 1 sec oystick for 1 with two oth rence interco as soon as utomatically erminate the C for three friends in yo intercom frie m by making n section 5 4 friends by pre iend press t econd t...

Page 20: ...nce intercom you hear a B and C or twice to dis Joystick for still have the peration once twice End Th om with thre a three way may join th e new partic com you can 20 are having a m or just disc a beep to te sconnect int 1 second on e intercom co Resu Disco Disco Disco hree way In ee other 10U y intercom as he conferenc ipant D is a n completely three way co connect an in erminate thre tercom con...

Page 21: ...onds until n you A an twice to disco ct the secon his is becaus esult sconnect B sconnect B sconnect C you hear a d your interc onnect the in nd friend C se the third p C D D 21 beep to term com friends ntercom conn by double participant D minate four w B and C nection with tapping the D is connecte way conferen one of the tw Joystick you ed with you v nce intercom wo intercom u will be disc via t...

Page 22: ...t Pres Tap Wait End Three 22 E PHO uring an inte and stop the m conversati are connect com convers ents a user f a mobile pho so hear a vo e intercom h call by adding ick for 1 sec back to your e phone call for the perso ss the Joystic ile phone ca ss the Joystic ss Joystick fo or Front Button or t for the calle e way Confe ONE CA rcom conver intercom co ion press th ted to interco ation press fro...

Page 23: ...ill automatica m m connection n other Sena com friend d e the Unive nnect the exi ling redialing 23 na Bluetooth Sena Bluetoo ing on the pe ce since it u d the multipo while you ar nt connection s the multipo ntercom with set is autom vice such as set as a Un ection you s screen or sim sets for Blue ith a differen t that you wa nds until the b g on the non ally pair with n with non a headsets doub...

Page 24: ...m etooth heads om ercom conne ts connected sconnected o that you can Sena Bluet n Sena Blueto ena Bluetoot m by making set B and t 24 ection with t d cannot use temporarily n use a mob tooth headse ooth headse th headset B an intercom the other 10U two 10Us an e the mobile If you disco bile phone ca et B and a et B in your B The non m call to you U C are ha nd one non S e phone call onnect the in ...

Page 25: ...Cas and two non om conversa the intercom eadset D ma rsal Intercom way Interco m com connect 0Us and two y Universal I Sena Bluetoo D You ma se 1 Sena Blueto ation with the m by making ay join the co 25 m using the om tion with a co non Sena B ntercom con oth headset ay make the ooth headset e non Sena B an intercom onference in same way ouple of diffe luetooth hea nfigurations D 2 your h e four w...

Page 26: ...wa 3 2 End Fo Universal In ets A C and the same as A C and ay Universal ur way Interc ntercom Cas d D and one case 1 desc two non Se Intercom us com se 2 e non Sena B cribed in sect 26 ena Bluetooth sing the same Bluetooth hea tion 11 4 1 h headsets e way as you adset B B D are u do in a nor e connected rmal four wa with the fo ay intercom P 10U ur way Please ...

Page 27: ...r 1 second ng frequencie old the Joys to select wh l the preset o move the Joy en hear Sav oystick for 1 set number efore using FM station fre App e call and inte earches stati dures below urrent station e station freq ap the Front B 27 2 seconds un M radio pres remember th e FM radio tation freque to search do es it stops th stick for 2 sec hich preset n operation by ystick up or ve preset ca sec...

Page 28: ...ap t on will be sav erwrite previo may tempo e times to a ystem is powe egion from th equency rang e 76 87 87 87 87 76 28 the Front Bu ved as the n ously set sta orarily preset automatically ered off he Sena Dev ges Factory Frequency 6 0 108 0 M 7 5 107 9 M 7 5 108 0 M 7 5 107 9 M 7 5 108 0 M 6 0 90 0 MH tton when at ext preset nu ations t stations au scan for 10 vice Manager default worl range MH...

Page 29: ...follow Mobile Interc FM R Blueto unction is alw an intercom RIORITY wing order of e phone com adio ooth stereo m ways interrup conversatio Y priority music pted by a hi on is interrupt 29 gher priority ted by an inc y function Fo coming mobi or example le phone cal stereo musi l ic is interrup 10U pted by ...

Page 30: ... l pairings eset Control Pair iguration ION SET of the 10U b ration menu eeps You wi own to navig or execute t within 10 se figuration im ront Button nu item is as ing TTING y the voice m press and h ll also hear a gate betwee the comman conds the 1 mediately m s below 30 menu instruc hold the Joys a voice prom n the menus nd by tapping 0U will exit t move the Joy ction describe stick for 12 s mpt...

Page 31: ... dial move th a voice prom select one o n and you wi eed dial numb p or down un pt Cancel by mode of three spe for speed d uetooth webs tivated Ph hone Front Button e Joystick fo ncoming cal ch as Hello d to intercom ncoming call 31 he Joystick u mpt Speed d of three spee ll hear a voic ber Then the ntil you hear If any butto eed dials yo ialing by us site at www hone Answ or 1 second ls by voice ...

Page 32: ... sation manu m by voice an rarily In this ntional interc g Voice Pro Voice prom Enable Tap the Fron Press the Jo s by configur on setting m vel indicator set unctions g RDS AF RDS AF se tivated In ntercom Front Button he Joystick an intercom c uch as Hell minates autom an intercom ally nd end it man case you h com connect ompts mpt nt Button oystick for 1 s ration setting menu etting 32 ntercom n ...

Page 33: ... e g Advance Noise co Enab Tap the Fro ss the Joystic ol is enabled e is mixed w Bluetooth Au eature is aut th Pairing nt Button oystick for 1 s e second freq n with more t e nt Button oystick for 1 s voice It he enabled you d Noise Co ontrol ble ont Button ck for 1 seco d the backgr with your voic udio Pack for omatically di Informati 33 second quency locat han one freq second lps you to n u can ...

Page 34: ... Remote ce Configu Delete all pa ap the Front B ng informatio the Front Bu Factory rese ap the Front B ngs on the 1 on to confirm Pairing Remote cont Pairing mode airing the He ring mode e Control Pa uration Me Exit confi irings N A Button on of the 10 utton to confi t N A Button 0U move th trol pairing N A e press the eadset with th airing mode u enu guration N A 34 U move the rm he Joystick u Bu...

Page 35: ...l Pairing actory Reset e Control Pa Configuratio Vo ont Button back to stan Front Button Down Ta g ontrol gs iring n oice Configu 35 nd by mode n to confirm ap Front But Execute Enable Enable Enable Enable Enable Enable Execute Execute N A Execute uration Men move the J tton P nu Button Joystick up o ress Joystic sec N A Disable Disable Disable Disable Disable Disable N A N A N A N A Operations or...

Page 36: ... Se are download WARE UP s firmware u ena Device ds PGRADE upgrades Yo Manager E ou can upda Please visit 36 ate the firmw t Sena Blue ware using th etooth webs he Sena De ite at www s evice Manag sena com to er please r o check the 10U efer to latest ...

Page 37: ...or leave u will hear a v sation with an or a mobile ve to try agai while having a case the 10U the intercom pt is in faulty s ert a paper c hed off Res ttings press r 1 second t Headset rese the Joystick voice prompt 37 n intercom fr e phone call n later an intercom U automatica m is reestabli status for any clip into the start the syst and hold the to confirm re et good bye k for 10 sec t Cancell...

Page 38: ...tton Com Front Button he Front Butt utton for 2 se he Front Butt and the Joys e Joystick up he Front Butt s he Joystick fo Front Button he Front Butt s Front Button k for 1 second Front Button Tap the Fron he Joystick fo he Joystick fo he Joystick fo he Joystick fo he Joystick fo mmand n on and the econds on the Rear stick for 1 p or down on for 5 or 5 seconds n within 2 sec on for 2 n or press th...

Page 39: ...nds Tap the ne Tap the Press th 39 he Joystick fo nd hold the J 1 second he Front Butt s he Front Butt s Front Button e Joystick le d tap the Front tap the Front Front Button Button Com he Butto or 1 second he Butto the Butt the Bu s the Bu s Button Button he Button or 2 seconds Joystick left o on for 2 on for 2 n eft and right f t Button t Button n mmand on and the on and the ton or the utton for...

Page 40: ...n he Button Button he Button Button he Button he Button the Butt or 2 seconds he Button he Button he Button the Butt or 3 seconds he Button he Button he Button the B s he Reset But for 3 second for 2 second for 5 second for 5 second for 1 second for 1 second ton or the s for 5 second for 5 second for 1 second ton or the s for 5 second for 5 second for 1 second utton for tton ds ds ds Red flas ds R...

Page 41: ...f in a particula e determined of the follow ntennae e equipment et on a circui ed radio TV te tion exposure for satisfying y other anten ipment not e ment he provisions l requiremen om Please n ntended to b Netherlands da license e e ce including 41 APPRO peration is su nd including int with the limit easonable pr n radiate rad ful interferen ar installation d by turning t ing measure t and the re...

Page 42: ...uman h al waste b y used by obs t y damage m mperatures a the product temperatures clean the pr obstruct mo product It m dify the prod 42 e Bluetooth of their respe th Specificat However in ipment erature or p en to separ er locations health from but hand it serving the w mechanical an as this may s Abrupt ch roduct with c oving parts o may damage duct as this SIG Inc an ective owner tion 3 0 and ...

Page 43: ... e product as t duced over t ure to use an e explosion of 15 C 25 or may caus serious redu row it into fir aged battery ay explode a conditions AND DI ees the produ anty Here p s of property acture 43 motorcycles o fore using th period of tim with sharp too apply heat t ay damage t It may dama ven or a wir prohibited e wireless co ves When th ns in the area slower than ces while driv e driver s vi...

Page 44: ... term e of the prod urchasing it orney s fees possession rther Sena he product A purchaser of 44 ective parts o he date of in the date of However in erred to a th number pro to disassemb onsiderable nd the follow nt and forfe product for a xies succes mption or sim injury or de risks inclu of this produc dical conditio e which can re able to us s for using th nings and ale artners subs referred to...

Page 45: ... SENA OR ER due to the us d for purpose use the user use it has be cause the us ause the use hird party e to Acts of amaged by u the defective ws the purcha asures to pro ased r replaceme warranty perio acement ser beyond the s er of Sena nditions exp e date you m 45 In addition EXCLUDES LUDING NE ANY KIND O A OR OTH ON MAINTE NA OR ITS TS ITS LIABI THIS DISCL SHALL FAIL R ITS SALE se of the prod ...

Page 46: ...adio Cepend ce matériel mant puis en rences en pr ptrice Augme circuit différe adio TV expé ions RF entations FC ructions d ex pour cet app es procédure au matériel aire fonctionn 46 purchase da e for any clai ATION de la réglem diciables et nces reçues es limites d u es à assure Ce matériel g nformité ave dant il n y a a provoque de n éteignant renant l une enter la sépa nt de celui s érimenté po...

Page 47: ...ion Bluetoot nteropérabilit ectriques et r le produit et les accum ette exigence clage séparé tion de déche e dans une s A SÉCUR utilisé de m ue et ou dom 47 x dispositions principales er le site www sein de l U e Danemar Royaume U trie Canada ntes nces reçues de Bluetooth ions comme h 3 0 et a té entre l app t électroniqu la docume mulateurs do e s applique és existent P ets non con structure de ...

Page 48: ...s lois co ndroit où il p a pourrait cau oduit au cas mages au pr rêter immédi 48 t endommage r cela pourra n plastique d es changem es Ne pas n nts car cela p er les pièces ait endomma la pourrait e t d écouteurs s la région av ant une pér un niveau mo es outils tran chaudes ou incendie ela pourrait e ux ou jeune ro ondes ou vec le produit les endroits magnétiques En cas de ri panneau pré ble vite...

Page 49: ... co areils utilisés ntit la qualité concernant des pertes rs des pièce des pièces d ne période de effet le jour s les cas sui transféré à u rie l étiquette sée a tenté d 49 ble irremplaç ela pourrait e érer au fur à e urer d utiliser die une expl e la batterie ntre 15 C et de la batterie atures en de voquer son e dommagée I pourrait expl onditions de conjointeme é du produit la garantie d blessure...

Page 50: ...nir lorsq és dans la fab urvenir lorsq sponsabilité p tilisation du p ites preuve d égralement produit L uti des droits ité l avoir achet 50 ncez à des ssurez vous d e un consente utes les con pour rembo entants léga ès d indemn me la difficulté e ou à un tiers tous les risq ation de ce p votre conditio pareil pouvan ue vous êtes e l utilisation et les alertes sponsables de Sena co des appare es l...

Page 51: ...é c oduit ommagé par endommagé e tempêtes uit est endom e garantie du chat un reçu pertinentes 51 ement des ures physiqu appartenant ble des dom t Tous les on par l ache ocales et na entière resp A EXCLUT P UELLE Y C E QUELQUE ALES PERTE EN RELAT L INTERRU DE L ÉVEN REMBOURS ES DOMMA SON BUT S DE SENA R L ACHETE de l utilisation ons suivantes oduit ou qu il l utilisateur n il a été laissé r l util...

Page 52: ... cement du pr de remplacem ant la périod e remplacem au produit ouvez contac conditions e mboursement ode de 14 jou e période de essus et Se that 10U for 52 roduit vous ment sans fr de de garanti ment payant sortent du c cter le centre exposées ci t vous deve urs à compte e 14 jours à ena ne sera Shoei is in co devez inclur rais du prod e du produit lo cadre de la e de services i dessus vo ez renv...

Page 53: ...SENA w www sena com 53 User r s Guide f for Firmwa are v1 0 10U ...
