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SX1211SK868/915 User Guide
Frequency band selection
1 – Set the Band 1/ Band 2 according to the frequency band of your RF modules.
Band 1= 915MHz
Band 2= 950MHz / 868MHz
Reset the boards
1) Set the configuration buttons C0 and C1 to 1 (up position, the both green LEDs will switch On
at the power-up). This action will reset the EEPROM where the latest configuration is saved.
2) Switch on the power supply via the button POWER (up position). The red LED lights up.
3) Wait until the LED p1 and f1 light up.
4) Switch off the power supply, down position of POWER button.
5) Switch C0 and C1 to the down position
Switch On the boards
1) Switch all the buttons (C0, C1 and M/S) in down position,
2) Switch on the power supply, the red LED light on.
3) Verify that p1 LED and f1 LED are switched On
Modulation type
Set the Modulation type.
C1 = 1 (ON) OOK Modulation
C1 = 0 (OFF) FSK Modulation
Slave Mode
The Slave mode is selected if M/S is set in down position, the green LED is Off.
Master Mode
Push up the M/S button to select the Master mode on one unit only. The green LED below the push
button switches ON.
Manual Mode: The manual mode is selected if the green LED corresponding to C0 is OFF. The user
can choose the frequency by pressing on Frequency Selection button (Freq) and the output power via
RF Power Selection button (RF Power).
Autojump Mode: Push up the button C0 on the Master board (the green LED switches ON) to select
the Automatic Mode. C1 is still down. The board is now in automatic mode; the user can not change
the frequency manually but can still modify the output power.
Before starting the setting of the Ping-Pong demo, please verify that
all the push buttons are in down position and all the LEDs are off.
The push buttons are only used to change a state and not to select
a state. The state information is displayed by the green LEDs
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