User Guide
January 2015
2 of 7
Propietary & Confidential
1. Introduction
The GS3490 features integrated adaptive cable equalizer and cable driver functionality.
The GS3490 can be field-configured as a SMPTE compliant cable equalizer or a SMPTE
compliant cable driver. The GS3490's cable equalizer is optimized for operation at
2.97Gb/s, 1.485Gb/s and 270Mb/s while providing cable reach of 140m at 2.97Gb/s,
250m at 1.485Gb/s and 550m at 270Mb/s. In cable driver mode, the dual slew rate
capability provides compatibility to SMPTE ST 259, SMPTE ST 292 and SMPTE ST 424
interfaces. This document describes the contents, features, and use of the GS3490
IBIS-AMI model. The model includes the cable driver different swing settings, and cable
equalizer's different swing and de-emphasis settings and facilitates simulation of both
cable driver and cable equalizer in EDA platforms compliant with IBIS 5.0.
2. GS3490 IBIS-AMI Model
The GS3490 IBIS-AMI model includes both cable equalizer and cable driver models. Each
of these models consists of a receiver (RX) and a transmitter (TX) model. Therefore, the
GS3490 model consists of four models: two transmitters, and two receivers. In both
cable equalizer and cable driver modes, the RX model slices the signal received from a
channel and retransmits it into the second channel using the TX model.
Figure 2-1
shows a general testbench to simulate IBIS-AMI models which can be used for the
GS3490 cable driver or GS3490 cable equalizer models. In the following sections, more
details about the model parameters and simulation testbenches are provided.
Figure 2-1: Block Diagram of a General Testbench to Simulate IBIS AMI Models
2.1 GS3490 Cable Equalizer
In order to simulate the GS3490 model in cable equalizer mode, GS3490_EQ_TX and
GS3490_EQ_RX model files have to be used. The output termination impedance of the
GS3490 cable driver, which is provided as an S-parameter file, can be used in the
testbench to improve the simulation results accuracy.
Figure 2-2
shows a sample
simulation testbench for GS3490 cable equalizer model.
Figure 2-2: Block Diagram of a Sample Testbench to Simulate GS3490 Cable Equalizer IBIS AMI Model
Channel 1
Channel 2
Application Cir
Channel 1
Channel 2
Cable Equalizer Model