Load Arrestor - protecta
Load : max 300 kg, Length : max 12 m
1 - Important information :
Capital Safety Group load arrestors are used where loads need to be secured.
The load arrestor will prevent the load from falling in case of failure of the main holding
The load arrestor helps remove the risk of hurting people or damaging goods below.
2 - Function :
The load arrestor will be anchored via the karabiner at its top to the structure.
For the 300 kg load arrestor, the anchorage point of the structure shall have a minimum
resistance of 15.8 kN.
The load should be attached at the fall indicator at end of the cable.
The secured load shall be on the vertical of the load arrestor.
300 kg
15.8kN mini
Karabiner must
be screwed
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