How does a Time Schedule open a gate?
It’s called Automatic Unlock. It’s the same principle as your porch lights going on at night, or
lawn sprinklers coming on, automatically.
What about Holidays?
There is room to define up to 10 Holidays. For small to medium business owners, this can af-
fect the automatic unlock hours on Holidays, when no one is at the facility, with out having to
re-program everything, for just one Holiday.
So what else has this thing got?
Another relay, for one thing. That’s the gadget that makes the gate work. You could have two
different gates open and close from the SG-2. Or, you can make the second relay come on
every time someone calls the house, so you could control a CTTV camera, for example.
There are a variety of choices; one of them should work for your needs.
How does a PIN for one gate, make the other gate work?
That’s up to you. You can program PINs or cards so that a PIN opens one gate, or the other
gate, or both gates, when a PIN code is entered on the keypad. This is called a Relay Action
and is on the Programming Sheet. You can also make it only open when a Time Schedule is
true. So every single PIN and card can have a Relay Action and a Time Schedule assigned to it.
There’s that “Programming” word again. My VCR is still blinking: “00:00” two years
after I got it. How do I make this thing do what I want?
You can use the Programming Sheet provided, or you can buy the optional Modem and Soft-
ware to make life simpler. Contact your installer for details. For example, the software will set
the clock automatically from your computer’s clock. Your choice. Right out of the box, an SG-
2 will call the house and open the gate when it hears a Touch Tone 6. If that is as fancy as you
want to get for now, then you don’t have to do anything.
Any other bells and whistles?
How about a 800-event log? If you get the optional Modem and Software package, you can
keep track of who called the house, when, or used a PIN code, or anything that happened to
the SG-2.
What good does that do a homeowner?
That’s up to you. Want to find out when the teenager REALLY got home, last night with the
family car? Look in the log. If Junior’s card shows a 4 AM time stamp, he’s busted!