5. Fit the adaptor halves. The round steel bosses in the adaptor halves fit into the holes in the luff extru
sion lower end. Note that the halves can be fitted one way only; make sure that the small knob in the
upper hub fits into the front adaptor half.
Best practice to fit the adaptor halves is to start by pushing the forward adaptor half onto the luff
section (1) and then connect to the upper hub (2). When the forward half is in postion, fit the aft half
(3) and click the halves together. Make sure that the screws go in smoothly so that the screw threads
are not damaged.
Tighten the screws firmly.
6. Refit the toggle. Secure the split pin.
4. Turn the drum unit so that the small knob in the upper hub is oriented as shown in relation to the luff
extrusion. The knob should be pointing in the same direction as the foil to fit correctly into the
forward adaptor half.
Fig. 3.5.f
Fig. 3.5.g
Fig. 3.5.i
Fig. 3.5.h