Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc.
SEL-487B Data Sheet
Additional Features
Front-Panel Display
Figure 26 and Figure 27 show close-up views of the stan-
dard SEL-487B front panel. The standard front panel
includes a 128 x 128 pixel (76.2 mm x 76.2 mm or 3 in x
3 in) LCD screen; 18 LED target indicators; and eight
direct-action control pushbuttons with indicating LEDs
for local control functions. You can use easily changed
slide-in labels to custom configure target and pushbutton
identification. Figure 28 shows the expanded SEL-487B
front panel. The optional expanded SEL-487B front
panel provides the same LCD screen with more latching
target LEDs and programmable pushbuttons. When you
order the optional front panel, the SEL-487B provides 24
tricolor LEDs and 12 programmable pushbuttons with
indicating LEDs. Use the capabilities of the expanded
SEL-487B front panel to integrate a wide range of con-
trol and system annunciation functions.
Figure 26
Front-Panel Display and Pushbuttons
Figure 27
Standard Front-Panel Configurable Labels,
Programmable Targets and Controls for Customized
Figure 28
Optional Front Panel With 24 Tricolor Target
LEDs and 12 Pushbuttons
The LCD shows event, metering, setting, and relay self-
test status information. Control the LCD through the
navigation pushbuttons (Figure 26), automatic messages
the relay generates, and user-programmable display
points. The rotating display scrolls through any active,
nonblank display points. If none are active, the relay
scrolls through displays of the differential operating and
restraint quantities, the terminals in each enabled zone,
and the primary current and voltage values. Each display
remains for five seconds before the display continues
Extended SEL Fast Meter, SEL
Fast Operate, and SEL Fast SER
Binary protocol for machine-to-machine communication. Quickly updates SEL communications
processors, RTUs, and other substation devices with metering information, relay element, I/O status,
time-tags, open and close commands, and summary event reports. Data are checksum protected.
Support for reading event, settings, and oscillography files.
Optional DNP3 Level 2 Slave
Distributed Network Protocol with point remapping. Includes access to metering data, protection
elements, contact I/O, targets, SER, relay summary event reports, and settings groups.
SEL protocol for exchanging digital and analog information among SEL relays and for use as
low-speed terminal connection.
Optional FTP and Telnet
Available with the optional Ethernet card. Use Telnet to establish a terminal-to-relay connection over
Ethernet. Use FTP to move files in and out of the relay over Ethernet.
IEC 61850
Ethernet-based international standard for interoperability among intelligent devices in a substation.
Ethernet-based simple network time protocol for Ethernet-based time synchronization among relays.
Table 7
Open Communications Protocol
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