Date Code 20070803
SEL Application Guide 2000-02
Modem Mode is 10
(0) Point to Point Master
(1) Point to Point Slave
(2) Point to MultiPoint Master
(3) Point to MultiPoint Slave
(4) Point to Point Slave/Repeater
(5) Point to Point Repeater
(6) Point to Point Slave/Master Switchable
(7) Point to MultiPoint Repeater
(A) SEL Master(10)
(B) SEL Slave(11)
(Esc) Exit to Main Menu
Enter Choice
The modem mode setting is used to designate the radio and relay at one end of the line as the
master, and the coordinating radio and relay as the slave. The designation is arbitrary, but one
must be the master and one the slave.
Modem Baud is 038400
(0) 230,400
(1) 115,200
(2) 76,800
(3) 57,600
(4) 38,400
(5) 19,200
(6) 9,600
(7) 4,800
(8) 2,400
(9) 1,200
(A) Data, Parity 0
(B) MODBus RTU 0
(C) RS232 / 485 0
(D) Setup Port 2
(E) TurnOffDelay 0 TurnOnDelay 0
(E) TurnOffDelay 0
(F) TurnOffDelay 0
(Esc) Exit to Main Menu
Enter Choice
The baud rate must be set to 38400 to match the relay’s baud rate.
The eight data bits, no parity, and one stop bit selection equals a total of nine bits. That matches
the MB8 bit count (six data bits, even parity, and two stop bits for a total of nine). The radio will
interpret the parity bit and the first stop bit as the seventh and eighth data bits. Note, setting the
PROTO setting in the relay to MB will not work.
Entry to Call is 00
Entry Number Repeater1 Repeater2
(0) 897-0001
(1) 000-0000
(2) 000-0000
(3) 000-0000
(4) 000-0000
(5) 000-0000
(6) 000-0000
(7) 000-0000
(8) 000-0000
(9) 000-0000
(C) Change Entry to Use (0-9) or A(ALL)
(Esc) Exit to Main Menu
Enter all zeros (000-0000) as your last number in list