This device is a receiver designed to switch on loads (more
precisely electrovalves and/or audible warning devices) in gas
detection radio systems for homes.
The receiver has one channel that can be associated to up to 12
gas radio detectors and two relays: an alarm relay and a fault
This system is an optimal solution for buildings in which wires
cannot be laid between the gas detector and the actuators to be
controlled. Operating on a frequency of 868,150 MHz (LPD)
provides the user with all the advantages of this bandwidth, such
as a greater insulation from interferences and a greater efficiency
in the transmission of the signal.
Each gas detector transmitter periodically sends a “status” radio
command to the receiving unit. The “status“ command provides
information on the occurrence or not of alarm or failure condition.
These radio commands coming from one or more transmitters are
then received and decoded by the receiving unit.
When at least one transmitter sends the alarm “status” signal, the
receiving unit will switch on the “alarm” output relay.
When at least one transmitter sends the fault “status” signal, the
receiving unit will switch on the “fault” output relay.
The alarm and fault outputs can be connected to visual and/or
acoustic signalling devices. The alarm output can be connected to a
solenoid valve that shuts off the gas supply. The receiver
continuously monitors the status of the radio communication in order
to detect any transmitter malfunctions.
( and in Fig. 1)
On the front panel of the device there are two multicolor LEDs
which give information regarding the correct power supply, the
output relays status and the quality of radio communication:
Power supply
When the receiving unit is powered, the LEDs light up and perform
a blinking sequence “green-red-green-red” to indicate the correct
operation of the device. Then the LEDs become active depending
on their normal operation and the receiver starts to perform its
normal activity, decoding the signals sent by the transmitters.
Alarm status LED " " ( )
During normal operation, each of the LEDs may light up green,
yellow or red to provide several information on the alarm and
outputs status:
Green Led ON:
The device is powered, no alarm on.
Yellow Led ON:
Fault status, active fault relay.
Red Led ON:
Alarm status, active alarm relay.
Radio communication quality LED "
" ( )
During normal operation, led color gives information regarding the
quality of radio communication. See paragraph
"Checking the
signal strength"
At first startup, when no address has been yet received from
the transmitter, the receiver signals the fault with the radio
communication quality LED blinking green and also signals a
“Fault” status by activating the corresponding output and
lighting up the yellow “status” LED.
" ( in Fig. 1)
The test button allows to temporarily activate the fault or alarm
outputs in order to check if they are working properly.
The Test button also allows to configure the reset mode of the
alarm output.
" ( in Fig. 1)
By pressing this button for one second, the self-learning procedure
for the gas detector transmitter address to be associated to the
receiving device starts.
This receiver can control up to a maximum of 12 gas detector
transmitters. Each gas detector is equipped with its own
“address” code to be able to work at the same time without
interfering each other and therefore controlling different areas.
To memorize the address of the gas detector from which we want
to receive the signals, it is necessary to perform the self-learning
procedure described below. To learn the addresses of several gas
detectors (max 12), repeat the “self-learning” procedure for every
gas detector. The following free channel will be assigned for each
detector self-learning procedure, so the first detector learnt will
be assigned to channel one, the second detector will be aasigned
channel 2 and so on until channel 12.
To avoid wrong indications due to overlapping signals, do
NOT perform the self-learning procedure on more than one
transmitter at a time.
Self-learning procedure
- Switch-on the receiver: the LEDs blink for a few seconds during
the initialization phase.
- Turn on the gas detector transmitter in “test” mode, then the
transmitter will continuously send an “alarm” signal followed by
a “no alarm” command every two seconds. Turn on only one
detector at a time in the “test” mode. It is advisable to keep the
transmitter in the same room of the receiver, apart at least one
meter each other.
- Press the self-learning button "
" on the receiver for a
second. The “self-learning” procedure starts and the
communication quality LED "
" will blink quickly yellow.
- As soon as a test command is received, the LED will remain
steadily lit yellow for 7 seconds. During this time the receiver
will continue to receive test commands and memorize only the
signal received with the highest strength. This means that it will
memorize the signal coming from the nearest transmitter and
will thus avoid learning addresses from any transmitters in test
mode which are not meant to be associated to the system.
- After 7 seconds the procedure ends and the LED "
" flashes
red-green-red-green in sequence to indicate that the transmitter
address has been saved.
- The receiver will resume normal operation and the alarm output
relay will immediately start to switch ON and OFF every two
seconds following the commands emitted by the transmitter in
“test” mode for about 10 minutes.
- After verifying that the signal strength is satisfactory, you may
proceed with the final mechanical and electrical installation.
Checking the signal strength
The device constantly indicates the strength of the radio signal
received. This makes the whole system simpler to install and
adjust and moreover allows the user to carry out an instant check
on the quality of the radio communications.
The strength of the signal received by each transmitter is
indicated by the LED "
": it may light up green, yellow or red
according to the quality of the radio signal received:
The signal received is good or excellent, radio
communication is reliable.
The signal received is sufficient.
The signal received is weak, communication is not
Blinking Red:
Absence of radio communication, no command
has been received from the transmitter in the last
90 minutes.
The receiver indicates on the LED “
” the worst signal
strength of each transmitter learned.
The receiver indicates two types of signal quality on the LED “
- An immediate analysis of the last command received.
- A long-term analysis of the commands received.
The LED will normally indicate the “long term” signal quality, based on
the quantity of correct commands received over the previous minutes
of operation. In case no command has been received from the
transmitter in the last 90 minutes, the LED will stop showing the “long
-term” analysis and will blink red to show the “absence of radio
communication” fault condition.
The signal quality analysis is non-
volatile memorized, so it is possible to evaluate the channel
communication status also after a power failure.
If the transmitter is in the “test” mode, the LED on the receiver
will always provide only an “immediate” indication of the last test
command received which is proportional to the strength of the
radio signal received. In this way you can instantly assess
whether to go ahead with mechanical installation.
If the signal strength is not acceptable try to change the position
of the receiver or transmitter or evaluate the possibility to install a
repeater device (DAPF84) which doubles the range of the radio
commands. Remember that both the transmitter and receiver must
be installed away from metal objects or metal reinforced walls
that could weaken the radio signals.
If the self-learning procedure has been made with several
gas detectors, the device receives different commands from
the revealers and for each one will memorize the quality of
the "long term" signal. Nevertheless, the device shows
through the LED “
“ the quality of the “long term” signal of
the transmitter with the worst quality signal.
For the visualization procedure of what channel has the
worst quality signal, and so which channel has a
communication problem, refer to the paragraph “Last alarm
and worst quality channel visualization”. Furthermore, it is
possible to erease the memory of these two last
informations following the instructions on the paragraph
“Last alarm and worst quality channel deletion”.
When the transmitter indicates that the alarm status is finished,
the reset of the “alarm” output can be enabled in two ways:
Automatic Reset (default)
If the “automatic” reset is configured, the alarm relay will turn off
automatically as soon as the alarm status is finished.
The receiver factory configuration is in Automatic Reset.
Manual Reset
If the “manual” reset is configured, the alarm status will remain
memorized in the receiver and the alarm relay will remain on, even
after the transmitter indicates that the alarm status is finished
(LED status "
" blinking).
To reset the alarm output it is necessary to press the button
“ ".
If the manual reset is configured, the receiver will turn on
with the alarm output on and the LED "
" will blink red.
To turn the alarm output off, press the button "
By keeping pressed the keys “ “ and “ “ at the same time
for 10 seconds, you can modify the reset type configuration and
change it from "Automatic Reset" to "Manual Reset" or vice
versa. After 10 seconds the LED status "
" will blink green
twice if the “Automatic Reset” has been configured, while it will
blink red twice if the “Manual Reset” has been configured.
The Test “
“ button allows to check the proper operation of
the outputs by simulating the Fault or Alarm status temporarily.
By pressing the button "
" several times, the simulation of the
output status starts with the following sequence:
Normal operation simulate fault simulate alarm
- During simulation of the outputs status, the LED “
” blinks
yellow to indicate the “fault” status and blinks red to indicate
the “alarm” status.
- If the receiver is configured on "Automatic Reset", the
simulation ends automatically after 10 minutes.
- If the receiver is configured on "Manual Reset", the simulation
keeps active until next action on the Test "
" button.
When a simulation is active, the radio commands transmitted from
the gas detector have priority over the simulation and therefore
any alarm status sent from the gas detector cannot be silenced by
pressing the Test button until the alarm status on the revealer
side clears.
With this function it is possible to display which channel, so which
Fig. 1
Via del Commercio, 9/11. I-36065 Casoni di Mussolente (VI)
Tel.: +39.0424.567842 - Fax.: +39.0424.567849 - http://www.seitron.it - e-mail: [email protected]