10.2 Daylight Saving Time (Summer Time) Setting
By setting the start and end of the period during which the daylight saving time is in effect, the
clocks automatically indicate the time one hour ahead of normal time during the period. Press
MODE button to show “Start of daylight saving time” or “End of daylight saving time” while in the
Normal Mode, and press SET button to activate the respective setting function.
Figs. 10. 2. 2 and 10. 2. 3 show the example in which the following daylight saving time period has
been set.
Period during which the daylight saving time is in effect:
From 2:00 AM on Sunday, March 30, 2008 to 3:00 AM on Sunday, September 28, 2008
Clock indication after the above setting: (All the clock monitors and secondary clocks are
automatically adjusted to indicate the daylight saving time from normal time and vice versa.)
“Start time of daylight saving
time” display:
Before setting digits, only
“-“ marks are displayed.
This also holds true in the
case of “End of daylight
saving time” display.
Start of daylight saving time
has been set.
The lower row (
) shows the
start date of the daylight
saving time.
End of daylight saving time
has been set.
The lower row (
) shows the
end date of the daylight
saving time.
2008/3/30 (Sun)
2008/9/28 (Sun)
Fig. 10. 2. 1
Fig. 10. 2. 2
Fig. 10. 2. 3