Possible causes
The watch stops operating.
The battery has been depleted.
Measure the battery voltage.
Replace the battery with a new
The hour wheel and the pinion of
Check the relevant parts, and
the minute wheel are not properly
replace the damaged parts with
engaged. (Or the teeth of the hour
new ones.
wheel and/or minute wheel have
been broken.)
The hooking portions of the
Securely attach the hooks of the
circuit block cover are not
circuit block cover to the main
properly engaged, resulting in
poor conductivity.
The coil is broken.
Measure the coil block resistance.
Replace the coil with a new one.
One or more wheels have been
Remove dirt or dust and clean the
contaminated with dirt, dust or
contaminated wheels. Be careful
other particles.
so as not to damage the teeth of
the plastic parts while cleaning.
An excessive amount of oil in the
movement has caused adhesive
forces among the parts. (wringing)
The current consumption
Dirt, dust or foreign particles are
Remove dirt, dust or foreign
for the whole movement
adhered to the movement.
particles and clean the movement.
exceeds the standard
The driving pulse is generated in
If the current consumption for
order to compensate the excessive the circuit block alone is within
load applied to the wheels. (The
the standard value range,
oil has deteriorated, leaked or run
overhaul and clean the movement
parts, and then make the
measurement again.
The current consumption
The light f rom out side the
Shut out the light, and make the
for the circuit block alone
movement is affecting the
measurement again.
exceeds the standard
There is a defect in the IC
Replace the circuit block with a
( integrated circuit ) .
new one.