Version Nr. 1-9 - 24.12.2020
Doc. Nr. 99852520S62
17 / 21
11. Taking into operation
The unit can be damaged by lack of lubricant. To ensure that the compressor is adequately lubricated the oil,
which has been displaced during transport, must be allowed to flow back into it. The unit must therefore be
allowed to stand for at least 30 min. before being connected to the mains and taken into operation.
The unit / system must be protected with a MCB Type D or K. Upon connection the internal fan will start
working. If the temperature inside the enclosure is higher than the set value of the controller both the
compressor and external air fan start working. The cooling cycle will either stop once the air inside the
enclosure reaches the set temperature minus hysteresis or once the minimum On-time is reached.
The hysteresis is 3K, the minimum ON-time is 4 minutes, the minimum OFF-time is 3 minutes, for units with a
cooling capacity of more than 1 kW is it usually 7 minutes.
The setpoint for the internal enclosure temperature is pre-set at 95°F.