Version No. 1-6 - 30.12.2022
Doc. No. 99841200034-BZBG
17 / 27
12. Controller
The display shows the temperature in the range of -50°C to +150°C (-58°F to +302°F). The temperature is
displayed with resolution of tenths between -19.9°C and +99.9°C (-3.8°F to +211.8°F). During programming, it
shows the codes and values of the parameters. The display also shows icons according to occurring events.
Display icons
Icon Function
Compressor relay active
Flashes when activation is delayed or inhibited by
protection times, external disabling or other procedures
in progress
Alarm relay active
Heater relay active
Ambient blower relay active
Flashes when alarms are active
Heating mode
Signals operation of unit in heating mode
Cooling mode
Signals operation of unit in cooling mode
TEST Test mode in progress
Activated only by manual procedure
The operating parameters can be modified using the front keypad. Access differs depending on the type of
parameter. Access to configuration parameters is protected by a password that prevents unwanted
modifications or access by unauthorised persons.
Setting cooling set point, St1:
1. Press “SET” and display should show St1 and then the pre-set value of St1. (default: +35°C / +95°F)
2. Reach the desired value by using ▲ or ▼.
3. Press “SET” again to save the new value of St1.