1.1 Overview
1.1.1 Getting started
The only thing you have to do is downloading and installing the J-Link Software and Doc-
umentation Pack from the
. It is a free of charge software pack that
contains a wide variety of tools used for debugging and production. For more information
about what is included in the J-Link Software and Documentation Pack, please refer to:
J-Link Software and Documentation Pack release notes
1.1.2 Supported Cores and tested devices
J-Link / J-Trace together with the J-Link Software and Documentation Pack provide support
for a wide variety of cores and devices.
For a list of cores and devices supported by J-Link / J-Trace, please refer to:
1.1.3 Supported IDEs / debuggers
J-Link / J-Trace is supported by all common IDEs on the embedded marked. As the J-Link
Software and Documentation Pack also comes with a GDB Server, all IDEs supporting the
GDB interface are automatically working with J-Link / J-Trace. For a list of tested IDEs,
including getting started instructions, please refer to the
1.1.4 Troubleshooting
If you have questions or if you encounter issues, we recommend to check out our Wiki first:
- Related to issues between PC & Probe or Probe & CPU.
- Information and troubleshooting related to TRACE.
If this does not help you out and your J-Link / J-Trace is still within support period (1 year),
please feel free to contact our support team via our
Please do not forget to mention the following points:
• J-Link/J-Trace serial number.
• Information about your target hardware (processor, board, etc.).
• A detailed description of the problem.
• Screenshots of all warnings/errors.
• Output of JLink.exe if available.
• Your findings of the signal analysis.
1.1.5 Other products of interest
SEGGER provides additional tools (soft- and hardware) to support the user for debugging
and production purposes. This chapter provides a small overview of the products that are
connected to the J-Link / J-Trace and its software in the closest way.
- SEGGERs IDE solution.
- SEGGERs debugger solution. Ideal for usage with J-Trace.
- SEGGERs code instrumentation tool.
For an overview of all SEGGER products, please refer to the
J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001)
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