Birthdate: May 30th, 2477
Ulala, 22, has been wo rking at Space
Channel 5 as a re p o rter for the last two
ye a rs. The capt u re of the other re p o rte rs
c ove ring the invasion has seen Ulala pro-
m oted to the inve st i ga t i ve re p o rt i n g
team. This is her big chance to prove
her re p o rting skills to the wo rl d !
Birthdate: September 21st, 2464
The 35 ye a r-old dire c tor of the inve st i ga t i ve re p o rt i n g
team, Fuse is norm a l ly a laid-back kind of guy. Howeve r,
th e re has been a lot of pre s s u re from his superi o rs, and
h e’s been st ressed out late ly about the show ’s ra t i n g s .
This anxiety has shortened his te mper considera b ly,
w h i ch pro b a b ly wo n’t help morale among his sta ff .
The alien race who suddenly invaded Earth, the Morolians are an odd but undeniably
c u te bunch. Their ray guns turn innocent humans into hy p n otized go-go dancers !
T h ey are ve ry curious and possess a high level of inte l l i gence. Wo rking to ge ther in
g roups, these are ve ry misch i evous and naughty little cre a t u re s.
Designed to attack luxury passenger
ships, this fiendish Boss character has
captured a group of elementary
school students. Be careful not to
hit the children while shooting!
B i rth d a te : S e ptember 5th, 24 8 0
Vi rg o
Pudding, a 19 ye a r-old fo rmer teen idol,
is a re p o rter for Channel 42. She has
m a ny adoring fans, yet harbors a
st ro n g jealousy towards Ulala, who
seems to have appeared out of
nowhere to steal her limelight.
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