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At Long Last, We Begin.
Beginning Operation (Day One)
Subsequent Operation (Day Two and on)
Fi rst, Tra n s fer the Egg into the Tank (To g gling Displays )
Once again, you are urged to review the set-up procedure starting on p. 4 and
confirm that the VMU containing the Seaman habitat and storage matrix, as
well as the microphone, are firmly and properly installed to the controller
connected to Control Port A of the Dreamcast. Then, press the OPEN Button
on your Dreamcast to open the Disc Door, place the Seaman disc inside and
close the Disc Door. Now press the POWER Button to turn the Dreamcast
power ON. The starting screen will appear on your TV followed by the
opening narration. Listen carefully as it contains impor tant information that is
very helpful for raising Seaman.
Press the Start Button on the Dreamcast controller to display the raising
habitat (in the beginning this will be an aquarium). The very first thing you
must do is place the Seaman egg into this tank.
Press Trigger L ( ) to toggle the display over to the storage matrix. The milky
white object located in the top left storage box is the Seaman egg. Use the
Analog Thumb Pad to select the egg, and while pressing and holding the X
Button ( ), press and hold Trigger R ( ) to grab hold of the egg. If you are
successful, you should see the egg displayed on the clipboard in the lower right
corner of the screen. In this state, press again to toggle the display over to
the aquarium. Next, let go of and to release the egg into the tank. The
clipboard will disappear and the egg will be visible in the tank. This process is
used when moving items from display to display. Whenever you grasp an item
it will appear on the clipboard. If you release the item (let go of and/or )
before switching to the display in which to release the item, the item will
return to its original location.
(When continuing from a previously saved file).
Insert the memory card to which the Seaman habitat and storage matrix
(saved files) are saved into Expansion Socket 1 of the controller. Next,
place the Seaman Disc into the Dreamcast and turn the power ON. In a
few moments the Start Screen will automatically appear.
As explained earlier, only one Seaman habitat is able to be created to a
VMU. Therefore, file selection or other such procedures are not required.
All you need to do to continue is press the Start Button when the Start
Screen appears.
Note that whenever the Start Screen is displayed there will be a short
narration that reports on the current status of your Seaman’s development
and provides a brief explanation of what has occurred previously. As there
are often important hints and tips on how to proceed offered during this
narration, it is recommended that you listen to it carefully every day.
Opening Start Screen
Egg Displayed on
the Clipboard
Clipboard: Displays
Currently Grasped Items
If the Mushroomers do not evolve within a few days of their
hatching, they will die.
Position the hand icon over the Nautilus at the bottom of the tank and
press to patiently tap it. The Mushroomers will float towards the
Nautilus and be eaten. Do not be alarmed by this behavior and continue
on as normal. Once the Nautilus has consumed at least 4 Mushroomers,
it will begin to undergo a transformation, so observe it carefully.
For other information related to Seaman’s development, visit our
If you are able to connect to the Internet (we recommend using your
Dreamcast to do so), then you are cordially invited to visit the Sega
Seaman website in which you’ll find a wealth of helpful information.