Base Shield V2
Arduino Uno is the most popular Arduino board so f ar, how ever it is sometimes f rustrating w hen your project requires a lot of sensors or Leds and your jumper
w ires are in a mess. The purpose of creating the Base Shield is to help you get rid of bread board and jumper w ires. With the rich grove connectors on the base
board, you can add all the grove modules to the Arduino Uno conveniently! The pinout of Base Shield V2 is the same as Arduino Uno R3, how ever Arduino Uno is
not the board one that the Base Shield V2 is compatible w ith plenty of boards.
Product Ve rs ion
Change s
Re le as e d Date
Base Shield V1.2
Oct 2011
Base Shield V1.3
Change the Grove connector layout and quantity
Aug 2012
Base Shield V2.0
Change the Grove connector layout and quantity, as w ell as a pow er sw itch to enable both 3.3V and 5V.
Mar 2014
Compatible Boards
The Base Shield is tested and f ully compatible w ith f ollow ing boards:
Arduino Uno(all revisions)/Seeeduino(V4&V4.2)
Arduino Mega/Seeeduino Mega
Arduino Zero(M0)/Seeeduino Loraw an
Arduino Leonardo/Seeeduino Lite
Arduino 101
Arduino Due 3.3V
Intel Edison 5V
Linkit One
The boards are not listed above mean that it might have chance to w ork w ith the platf orm board how ever requires extra w ork such as jump w ires or rew riting the