EC Declaration of Conformity
Type 024.16.720
EC DEClaraTion of ConformiTy
As manufacturer we hereby declare that the products with the designation:
Type 024.16.720
satisfy requirements which are specified in the following Directives of the European Council:
2006/95/ EC low Voltage Directive
2004/108/EC Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive
97/23/EC Pressure Equipment Directive
The products have been subjected to the following conformity assessment procedure:
module a internal production control
The pressure Equipment Directive for products with a nominal voltage < 50V is applied to the CE mark only
for equipment which has a nominal width > 25 mm and controls gases belonging to Group 1 or vapour or
equipment which has a nominal width > 32 mm and controls gases belonging to Group 2 and the product is
within the range > 1,000 and < 3,500 for the calculation nominal pressure x nominal width.
The products with a nominal voltage >= 50V with respect to pressure Equipment Directive (97/23/EC) are
assessed in Article 1 paragraph 3.6 of this directive, according to which the equipment is measured by the
low Voltage Directive and therefore does not drop below the scope of the pressure Equipment Directive.
The units are designed and built in a way that
• there will not be an ignition source in normal use and
• the maximal surface temperature is less than the limit of the given temperature code on the unit.
Depending on the marking the units may be used as a Category 3 unit in zone 2 or 22.
SED flow Control GmbH
Am Schafbaum 2
D - 74906 Bad Rappenau
Bad Rappenau, 01. march 2011
(This document was issued electronically and is therefore valid without signature)