During operation, the fireplace requires air for combustion and draws air out of the house. It
may starve other fuel burning appliances such as gas or oil furnaces. As well, exhaust fans may
compete for air, causing negative pressure in the house, resulting in smoke entering the house
from the fireplace. This situation is aggravated in modern airtight houses. To overcome this
potential problem, we
require the installation of an outside air assembly
The outside air assembly must be installed according to the following requirements :
Duct length should be kept to a minimum. The maximum length of duct is 20 ft. (6.1 m).
The air intake register must not be installed more than 7 ft. (2135 mm) above the base of the fireplace.
The fresh air must come from outside the house. The air intake must not draw air from the attic, from the
basement or garage.
The air intake register should be installed where it is not likely to be blocked by snow or exposed to extreme
wind and well away from automobile exhaust fumes, gas meters and other vents.
The duct and register may be installed above or below floor level.
Outside air installation
Make a 4 ¼ " (110 mm) hole in the outside wall of the house at the chosen location. From
outside, place the outside air register in the hole (open side down) and fasten the register to the
wall, with screws as shown (see figure 22). Slip the pipe into the insulated sleeve. Place the
insulated pipe over the register tube and over the fireplace’s outside air connector (see figure 23).
At each end, carefully pull back the insulation and plastic cover exposing the flexible pipe.
Using the aluminium tape provided, wrap the tape around the joint between the flexible pipe and
the air inlets. Carefully push the insulation and plastic cover back over the pipe. Using
aluminium tape, fasten the plastic cover in place.
Figure 22
Figure 23