It is to set device day/night mode switch independently from
config file. Default is auto mode.
Color: Device outputs the color video.
Auto: Device auto select to output the color or the B/W
video according to the device feature (The general bright of
the video or there is IR light or not.)
B/W: The device outputs the black and white video.
Sensor input: It is for external connection to IR light to
control day/night mode.
Note: Only some non-IR devices support sensor input function.
BLC Mode
The device auto exposures according to the
environments situation so that the darkest area of
the video is cleared
For the WDR scene, this function can lower the
high bright section and enhance the brightness of
the low bright section. So that you can view these
two sections clearly at the same time.
The value ranges from 1 to 100. When you switch
the camera from no-WDR mode to the WDR
mode, system may lose several seconds record
After you enabled HLC function, the device can
lower the brightness of the brightest section
according to the HLC control level. It can reduce
the area of the halo and lower the brightness of
the whole video.
The value ranges from 0 to 100. The default value
is 50 when HLC is on.
HLC is enabled only when anti-flicker is outdoor
and exposure mode is auto.
It is to disable the BLC function. Please note this
function is disabled by default.
Click the
button on the video window, you can begin full-
screen test.
It is to switch video up and bottom limit.
This function is disabled by default.
The video resolution shall be 720P or below if you want to flip