Warm and Cool Temperature Adjustment
The Warm and Cool target
temperature settings on the
ThermoPlus AS1 are fully
adjustable. To change a
target temperature it is first
necessary to press the the
centre button to bring up the
'Warm' or 'Cool' setting
(Indicated by the red or blue
LED indicators). By using the
up/down keys under the flap
the 'Warm/Cool' temperature
be increased
decreased to the desired
temperature setting
PLEASE NOTE - it is not possible to set the warm setting to
below that of the cool setting or vice versa.
Once a new temperature has been set on either the Warm or
Cool setting the AS1 will continue to use this setting until the
next manual adjustment.
PLEASE NOTE - The AS1 will display any temporary
change the user has made by pressing the + or - buttons, this
does not indicate a permanent change in either the Warm or
Cool settings, the temperature will return to the pre-set levels
at the next switching period. During an override the 'Warm'
or 'Cool' setting will not be displayed on the LCD.
Press here to select Warm or Cool