2. Pulse Mode (factory default)
2. Latch Mode
3 (1-99) #
The relay time is 1-99 seconds.
(1 is one second)
(Default is 5 seconds)
3 0 #
Sets the relay to ON/OFF Latch mode.
(If door closed, after read valid card, door will open and
remain in open state; only read valid card again
– not
necessary the same card, the door will close)
3. Exit
6.5 Set Strike-out Alarm
The strike-our alarm will engage after 10 failed cards attempts (factory setting is OFF). It can be set to deny access
for 10 minutes after engaging or disengage only after entering a valid card or Master code.
Programming Step
Keystroke Combination
1. Enter Program Mode
(Master Code) #
2. Strike-Out OFF
2. Strike-Out ON (silence)
2. Strike-Out ON (with Alarm)
Set alarm time
4 0 #
(factory default)
4 1 # (
Access will be denied for 10 minutes)
(No way to back to normal, must wait)
4 2 # 5
(0 ~ 3) #
(0 ~ 3 minutes, 0 means no alarm)
Read valid User card or Master card to silence.
3. Exit
6.6 Set Audible and Visual Response
Programming Step
Keystroke Combination
1. Enter Program Mode
(Master Code) #
2. Control LED
2. Control Sounds
6 1 #
6 3 #
(read card
ON =
6 2 #
ON =
6 4 #
(Factory defaults are
3. Exit