LRX 2035R
Mono-phase electronic exchange, for the automation of sliding
doors and rolling shutters with an incorporated radio receiver.
- Mod. LG 2035R : Without radio Receiver
- Mod. ( LRQ 2035R ) : 30,875 Mhz
- Mod. ( LR 2035R ) : 306 Mhz
- Mod. ( LR 2035R / 330 ) : 330 Mhz
- Mod. ( LR 2035R / 418 ) : 418 Mhz
- Mod. LRS 2035R : 433,92 Mhz
- Mod. LRS 2035R SET : 433,92 Mhz “narrow band”
( ) This product is designed only for countries in which this use
is allowed
- Power supply: 230 Vac 50Hz 4,5W max.
- Flashing light output:
230 Vac 50Hz
100W Resistive Load max.
50W Inductive Load max.
- Motor output:
230 Vac 50Hz 650 W max.
- Aux. power output:
24 Vac 3 W max.
- Button and safety device input:
24 Vdc
- Working temperature:
55 °C
- Radio receiver:
refer to type
- Op. transmitters:
12-18 Bit or Rolling Code
- TX max. codes in memory:
60 UP, 60 DOWN or 60 P/P
- Dimension of panel:
110x121x47 mm.
- Container:
ABS V-0 ( IP54 ).
CN1 :
1. 230 Vac input (phase)
2. 230 Vac input (Neutral)
3. 230 Vac flash input (Neutral)
4. 230 Vac flash input (Phase)
5. Opening motor output
6. Common motor output
7. Closing motor output
CN2 :
1 : 24 Vac 3 W service feed output.
2 : 24 Vac 3 W service feed output.
3 : Open-close push button input (NA).
4 : Common GND input.
5 : Safety device input (NC).
6 : Aerial earth input.
7 : Aerial hot pole.
In order for the receiving part of the radio to function
correctly, in cases where two or more centres are used,
it is advised to install them at a distance of at least 3
metres from each other.
The centre must not have any type of sectioning
mechanism from the electrical line 230 Vac; it is
therefore the responsibility of the installer to see the
installation of a sectioning device within the plant.
The fixing of the electricity and connection cables must
be guaranteed by means of the assembly of the cable
press that is supplied in the package.
The input, which is labelled as normally closed (NC),
must be jumped if not used!!
Step by step operation:
By using either the radio control (LED CODE on) or the low
tension button panel (PUL) to operate the gates, commands
will have the following effect:
The first command impulse activates the opening mechanism
until time expiry of the timing motor, the second command
impulse closes the gate, if a command impulse is received
before the time expiry of the timing motor, the direction of
movement of the mechanism will be halted.
A further input implements the re-starting of the motion in the
opposite direction.
Automatic closing:
The control board may be set up automatically to close the
The set-up procedure is described under the instruction for
setting the delay period.
Safety device:
The control board allows for the connection and control of
Photocells, Tyre sensors (NC).
Command from these devices are ignored during opening
whilst the gate is closing they will reverse the direction of
If not used the terminals must be jumped.
SEL button: selects the type of function to be memorised, the
selection is indicated by a flashing Led.
By repeatedly pressing the button it is possible to choose the
desired function. The selection will remain active for 10
seconds indicated by a flashing Led, if no other operations are
executed during this period, the control board will return to its
previous state.
SET button: programmes the information relative the type of
function previously selected with the SEL button.
Led Reference
Led off
Led on
No code
Code activated
Courtesy light
3) T. MOT.
Unlimited timing
Programmed delay
No automatic close
With automatic close
1) CODE: (Programming of the radio control)