SEAS Catalina 30 Operating Guidelines
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water builds up. After water gets into a cylinder and the exhaust valve
closes there is nowhere for the water to go and water is not
compressible. So continuing to crank will burn out the starter motor OR
break the starter gear or the flywheel gear OR break internal engine
parts. All of these results are costly and time consuming
– and you are
responsible for both.
How long is TOO LONG?
Universal says 30 seconds total cranking
time is too long.
Who keeps track of how long they crank the engine?
You do
… …if
you want the boat to stay in service.
if the engine still didn’t start?
Then something is wrong, and
that needs to be addressed. Solve the problem, drain the muffler, then
try again.
9. Exhaust & cooling water:
Look over stern of boat at exhaust pipe in center of
transom. Make sure there is some water running out of exhaust along with
engine exhaust gasses. This engine uses both fresh water and sea water
– so there ALWAYS should be water coming out of the exhaust when the
engine is running.
10. Engine exhaust pipe:
After starting engine check the exhaust hose (engine
compartment). Make sure there are no exhaust gasses leaking from any of the
hose or hose connections.
11. Alternator output:
At the 12 Volt DC panel use battery test switch to check
alternator output. Readings should be just above 12 volts to indicate charging
output of alternator. Turn off battery test switch after the test.
NOTE: Do not let engine run at a speed where it vibrates strongly
; adjust throttle to
reduce or eliminate vibration. If there is vibration at high rpm, reduce rpm, if
there is vibration at idle increase throttle just slightly until vibration is reduced. If
vibration is present at all speeds, shift into reverse and throttle up for 5 seconds.
This can remove growth or other build-up on propellor. Shift into forward and
reset engine speed. You may need to repeat this procedure to eliminate the
NOTE: It is especially important that the exhaust is checked periodically
for water
flow to avoid engine and muffler overheating. If no water comes out of the
exhaust check the engine temperature gauge. Stop engine if it is overheating
(over 160
Leaving the slip & Matawan or Cheesequake Creek
– General
Check wind and current and plan method of departure
Check railroad bridge (Morgan) closing estimates and plan arrival at route 35
bridge before the on-the-hour opening. Leave at least 15 minutes before the hour
to insure you will reach bridge before opening.