SEAS Catalina 30 Operating Guidelines
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there is a pad in pan to absorb traces of fuel or oil, but pan should not be full of
any liquids.
3. Raw water Strainer:
Check raw water strainer (plastic clear bowl) with plastic
screen basket for seaweed, leaves or other debris. Strainer is in the engine
compartment secured to
port settee bulkhead. If the
strainer has debris, clean it.
To clean, close the
seacock, unscrew plastic
strainer basket, clean out
debris. Replace basket in
strainer, ensure that the
basket is in the center of
the container correctly in
the indent and then
carefully re-screw cover
over basket. Make sure
you do not cross-thread the
cover when re-installing it.
Open seacock and verify that the strainer is not leaking.
4. Raw Water Seacock:
Located in engine compartment and accessed under the
port settee. The seacock valve is mounted vertically, When the lever in vertical
the seacock in open, when the lever is horizontal the seacock is closed. Rotate
the lever clockwise to the vertical position (the seacock is now open and
seawater can flow to the engine cooling system). If you cleaned the Raw Water
Strainer basket, check the strainer after opening the seacock, to ensure the raw
Water Strainer screw cover is secure and not leaking. Refer to the strainer
documentation in the ship
’s library for more information.
5. Primary Fuel Filter:
the primary fuel
filter is located below the port side
settee near the engine. Access it
from the engine room access panel
under the port settee short L
cushion. If the fuel/water separator
bowl shows water in it, drain the
water into a cup and pour onto a
water and oil absorbent towel to dry
out. Then dispose of the towel in the
Oil and water don’t mix, so the
water will be at the bottom. Open the
drain valve to let water out, then
close it to keep the fuel in. Refer to
the filter documentation in the ship
’s library for more information.
6. Fuel Level:
The fuel tank is located under the quarter berth. The fuel gauge is
located on the instrument panel. Check tank level, if below ¼ level you will need
to purchase fuel before leaving marina or on your return before docking. The