Seametrics • 253.872.0284
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What is the LevelSCOUT?
The INW LevelSCOUT Smart Sensor is an integrated datalogger and level/temperature
sensor and is ideal for site assessments, tidal studies, environmental monitoring,
surface water discharge measurement, and aquifer level monitoring, as well as aquifer
storage and recovery. This sensor networks with all of the INW Smart Sensor family. Its
compatibility with INW’s Wireless Data Collection technology makes it ideal for remote
This industry standard digital RS485 interface device records up to 50,000 records of
level, temperature, and time data, operates with low power, and features easy-to-use
software with powerful features. Constructed with 316 stainless steel, acetal, and Viton
this sensor provides high-accuracy readings in rugged and corrosive field conditions.
The LevelSCOUT is an absolute sensor, requiring no vent tubes, desiccant, or bellows.
It can be paired with a BaroSCOUT barometric sensor and used with the Aqua4Plus
Barometric Compensation Utility to adjust the LevelSCOUT readings for current
atmospheric pressure.
A 1/2 AA 3.6v lithium battery powers the LevelSCOUT. The unit is programmed using
INW’s easy-to-use Aqua4Plus Lite or Aqua4Plus control software. Once programmed the
unit will measure and collect data at the time interval programmed.
Replace your analog sensor/datalogger with the INW LevelSCOUT as a stand-alone
unit or network with other INW Smart Sensors. While most will use the LevelSCOUT
with INW’s Aqua4Plus Lite or Aqua4Plus software, it is by no means limited to that
software. You can use your own Modbus
RTU software or logging equipment to read
measurements via RS485, tying into your existing systems and data bases.
Initial Inspection and Handling
Upon receipt of your smart sensor, inspect the shipping package for damage. If any
damage is apparent, note the signs of damage on the appropriate shipping form.
After opening the carton, look for concealed damage, such as a cut cable. If concealed
damage is found, immediately file a claim with the carrier.
Check the etched label on the sensor to be sure that the proper range and type were
provided. Also check the label attached to the cable at the connector end for the proper
cable length.
Do’s and Don’ts
handle the device with care.
store the device in a dry, inside
area when not in use.
install the device so that the
cable connector is kept dry.
support the device with the connector.
Use a strain relief device to take the
tension off the connectors.
allow the device to free-fall down a well
as impact damage can occur.
bang or drop the device on hard