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Cleaning & Storing
1. Spray down your boat cover with lukewarm water using the nozzle on your garden hose. While the cover is on top of your boat,
start at the top and move left to right down the right side. Then repeat on the left. This step should help get rid of the salt or dirt if
your boat is exposed to salt water.
2. Take the cover off your boat and lay it open on the ground with the side that's normally exposed to the air face up. Brush the
cover with your push broom, starting at the left edge and moving to the right edge. This will remove any remaining large debris.
You may need someone to stand on one edge of the cover so it doesn't roll up when you try to brush it.
3. Fill your bucket to the halfway point with water and pour in a quarter cup of a gentle soap. Do not use a detergent, since it can
damage your cover's waterproofing. Stir the solution and dip your sponge in it. Use the sponge to dab any areas of your cover
that are stained. Let it stand for 10 minutes.
4. Scrub your cover with your scrub brush using a circular motion until all of the stains are removed. If it takes you longer than a
half hour, switch from your gentle soap to color-safe bleach, using the same measurements as before.
5. Rinse your boat cover with the hose using the method in Step 1. Let it air dry. If you have any spots on the inside of your cover,
flip it over and repeat Steps 1 through 4 to get them off. Do a final rinse. Then let the cover air dry by laying it flat or hanging it
over a clothesline. Do NOT put your boat cover in a washing machine or dryer.
6. Store the boat cover in a bag in a clean, dry place. Ensure the cover is completely dry before storing
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