© Sealevel Systems, Inc. 7205e Manual | SL9239 12/2022
The following table shows common baud rates, and the baud rates you need to select in your application
running on operating systems other than Windows.
For this Data Rate
Choose this Data Rate
1200 bps
150 bps
2400 bps
300 bps
4800 bps
600 bps
9600 bps
1200 bps
19.2K bps
2400 bps
38.4K bps
4800 bps
57.6K bps
7200 bps
115.2 K bps
14.4K bps
230.4K bps
28.8K bps
460.8K bps
57.6 K bps
921.6K bps
115.2 K bps