The unit can be run for several days without draining
the lacquer. To accomplish this, a balance must be
found between the humidifier and the actual drying
rate of your location. (This can vary due to
environmental conditions).
If the humidifier is set too high, the lacquer will
absorb the water and become less viscous, meaning
that there is too much water and the lacquer will
become too thin and unusable.
If the humidifier is set too low, the lacquer will thicken
and build up on the scraper.
1. Complete the start-up and test procedures.
2. Set the transport mode switch to IDLE.
3. Adjust the motor speed based on the test
procedure. The motor speed controls the amount
of time that the image remains in the dryer.
If MORE drying time is needed (due to a high
ambient humidity), DECREASE the motor speed.
If LESS drying time is needed, INCREASE the
motor speed.
4. The humidity volume control knob controls the
humidifier. Humidity is adjustable in a range of 1
to 10 with a setting of 10 producing the highest
amount of mist. Start with a setting of 2.
5. Open the shutter and set the transport mode
switch to RUN.
6. Feed images into the laminator face down.
CAUTION: Adjust the roller height and scraper
tension before processing images.
7. When finished, set the transport mode switch to
IDLE and then close the shutter.
8. At the end of the day measure the lacquer
viscosity again. It should be within one or two
seconds of the viscosity measurement at the
beginning of the day and still within the 35 to 50
second range. Note the date and the measured
viscosity in a logbook kept near the laminator.
9. If the lacquer is too thin (has lower viscosity),
reduce the humidifier setting.
10. If the lacquer is too thick (has higher viscosity),
increase the humidifier setting.
NOTE: Thick lacquer can be restored to normal
by adding distilled water.
11. Be aware that humidity settings can vary over the
course of the year—dryer with the winter heating
systems turned on, moister in the summer during
humid conditions. You may need to adjust for
seasonal changes.
NOTE: The machine should be left in the IDLE
mode whenever left on overnight.
Remember to close the shutter and fill
the water supply bottle. The humidifier
will maintain the condition of the roller
assembly overnight. The next day,
always confirm that lacquer has not dried
around the roller bushings and that the
rollers are still adjustable with the Height
Adjustment Screws.
12. The laminator should be drained and thoroughly
cleaned once a week as described in the “Cleaning
the Lacquer Container” section.