Driving Employee Productivity With
Seagate Performance Drives
Mobility, performance and durability are among the benefi ts your users will enjoy
using laptop systems fi tted with the Seagate Momentus 7200.2 hard drive. This
powerful, versatile drive delivers the highest available laptop performance, increasing
productivity without sacrifi cing capacity or energy effi ciency.
Because laptops are frequently subject to bumps and falls, the Momentus 7200.2
drive is designed to safeguard the integrity of stored information. Optional G-Force
Protection™ freefall sensor technology protects data by returning the drive to a
nonoperating state in the event of a drop, assuring users of continuous performance
and optimal productivity.
The Momentus 7200.2 drive is an excellent choice for mainstream laptops,
workstations, multimedia systems and computer-intensive applications requiring
optimal system performance and reliability. It closes the performance gap between
desktop and laptop systems, allowing a wide range of users to run applications on
a laptop that would typically run on a desktop. The following table highlights the
business impact of performance drives.
Business Value of Performance Hard Drives
Momentus 7200.2
To learn more
about the Momentus 7200.2
laptop hard drive, visit:
Benefi t
Improved user productivity
Dramatically boost employee productivity when multi-tasking and using computer-intensive applications.
Performance is further enhanced with faster boot times, virus scans and application load times.
Enhanced IT labor savings
with fewer incident reports
Higher system performance means fewer performance-related incidents and less IT involvement in
resolving them.
Extended system lifespan
Incorporate higher-performance drives in existing systems, or deploy performance drives in new systems,
to meet tomorrow’s computer-intensive requirements.
Higher performance at a
lower total cost
Reduce your investment in additional RAM and more expensive processors by upgrading and deploying
systems with high-performance hard drives.
No incremental management
Install and manage performance drives as you would any other Seagate drive. Implementing this new
technology doesn’t take you up a new learning curve or add incremental management overhead.
Accelerated work
Minimize work-process bottlenecks with greater system performance.
Improved customer
Improve boot and application load times and general application performance, making a difference in time-
sensitive or audience-sensitive situations.
Improved employee
Increase employee satisfaction with enhanced system performance levels, minimizing unproductive system-
related wait time.
Harnessing of IT
Improve the useful life of existing systems by providing higher performance through Seagate performance