Publishing RSS feeds
FreeAgent DockStar allows you to publish RSS feeds for each shared drive or folder to keep your
community informed of updates in your content and virtual world. To publish an RSS feed:
1. Select a folder or drive you want to share and click the green “Share” icon on the bottom of your
2. In the sharing options window under
“More Sharing Options”,
click the check box next to
“Publish RSS feed.”
3. Copy and paste the link provided in to an RSS reader or digital photo frame.
Staying Informed
Once you have set up your share and notification feeds, DockStar allows you to go one step further
and keep people informed when changes occur to drives or folders you are sharing. Just click the
check box next to
“Let people know when this folder changes”
“More Sharing Options”.
By checking this box, those with whom you are sharing will automatically receive an email alerting
them to changes, and your social networking sites will be updated automatically.