Seagate SkyHawk Product Manual, Rev. E
Drive Specifications
All vibration specifications assume that the drive is mounted securely with the input vibration applied at the drive mounting screws. Vibration may
be applied in the X, Y, or Z axis.
Operating vibration
The maximum vibration levels that the drive may experience while meeting the performance standards specified in this document are specified
Non-operating vibration
The maximum non-operating vibration levels that the drive may experience without incurring physical damage or degradation in performance
when subsequently put into operation are specified below.
Drive emission of sound is measured consistent with the ECMA-74 and its referenced standards. Testing is conducted at room temperature
(approximately 25°C). Emission levels are reported as the total A-weighted sound power levers for steady state, idle, and active seeks modes of
Test for prominent discrete tones (PDTs)
Seagate follows the ECMA-74 standards for measurement and identification of PDTs. An exception to this process is the use of the absolute
threshold of hearing. Seagate uses the lower limit for the threshold curve* to discern tone audibility and to compensate for the inaudible
components of sound prior to computation of tone ratios according to Annex D of the ECMA-74 standards.
*Defined as the median curve given by ISO 389-7 (Tf curve) minus 10dB at all frequencies.
5 - 200Hz
Linear Operating Vibration
2.4 Grms ref
10 - 500Hz
Rotational Operating Vibration
15 rad/s
5–500 Hz
5.0 Gs (0 to peak). Max displacement may apply below 22 Hz.
Table 7
Drive A-weighted Sound Power Levels (SWL, BA)
1-disk models
2-disk models
During periods of drive idle, some offline activity may occur according to
the S.M.A.R.T. specification, which may increase acoustic and power to
operational levels.
2.0 bels (typ)
2.2 bels (max)
2.2 bels (typ)
2.4 bels (max)
Performance Seek
2.2 bels (typ)
2.4 bels (max)
2.4 bels (typ)
2.6 bels (max)