Only use EC-certified pressure gauges with
standard threads; avoid using any other
valves between the first stage and the high-
pressure hose terminal.
The P-Synchro regulator can easily support
tank pressure up to 300 bar; however we rec-
ommend using this first stage with the con-
nection supplied by SEAC and subjected to EC
The P-SYNCHRO first stage is available in the
following versions:
International yoke connection (YOKE ISO
12209-1 230 BAR)
Thread Connection (THREAD CONNEC-
TION ISO 12209-2/3.5; 230 BAR)
To use the YOKE connection (ISO 12209-1 230
bar) or the THREAD connection (ISO 12209-
2/3.5; 230 bar), you must use a cylinder having
valves fitted with the relevant connections.
It may be necessary to remove the adaptor on
the valve outlet depending on the type of
connection being used.
We recommend acquiring a 5 mm Allen Key
(ISO 12209-3) to be used on the valves and to
remove or insert the adaptor in order to ob-
tain the correct connection.
Attention! It is still possible to find valves
with adaptors that require the use of an 8
mm Allen key for assembly/disassembly. This
adaptor refers to the previous standard.
There are no other contraindications against
using this valve or adaptor from a safety
point of view.
Concerning the 300 bar THREAD connection
(ISO 12209-2/3.2; 300 bar), only the relevant
connection with the valves shall be used.
As an alternative, it is possible to use connec-
tion adaptors that allow you to use regula-
tors with threaded ISO 12209-2/3.5 230 BAR
connections on valves with YOKE ISO 12209-1
230 BAR connections. These adaptors con-
form to ISO 12209/3 standards.
When designing this new second stage we
took into account all suggestions and com-
ments that we received over the years from
our diving centers and expert divers form all
over the world.
The SYNCHRO second stage is built with re-
gard to the technical details of every compo-
nent while seeking to optimize performance,
security, and comfort.
The careful selection of materials and in
depth study of the components has allowed a
reduction in the overall respiratory efforts,
offering linear and constant ease of breath-
The Venturi effect obtained with the SYN-
CHRO second stage allows a gradual and
abundant airflow that naturally varies accord-
ing to the inhalation demanded.
An externally adjustable flow deviator (Dive
and Pre-Dive) allows the optimization of air-
flow according to the breathing needs of
every individual diver.
Each individual component was subjected to
in depth study and continual laboratory test-
ing to optimize performance.
The asymmetric form of the flow lever (Fig.5)
allows a longer course, therefore increasing
the performance in air flow.
Each metal component is perfectly chrome-
plated and polished in order to reduce fric-
tion and, consequentially, reduce inhalation
The concave outer air conveyor, commonly
known as the deflector, allows the diver to
rest his chin (Fig. 6), a divisor inside protects
the dump valve from the risk of uncontrolled
opening in case of diving in the presence of
strong currents.
The larger oval-shaped dump valve (Fig. 7) al-
lows a sudden dumping of air, reducing the
breathing effort to a minimum.
The new anatomically shaped mouthpiece
(Fig. 8) fits comfortably into the mouth while
adapting to any shape; this excellent result
was obtained thanks to research carried out
in dentistry and to the tests carried out on
samples given by hundreds of divers.
The particular grip allows the mouthpiece to
remain fixed in the mouth even in the pres-
ence of strong currents. The correct hardness
of the silicon gives the mouthpiece a consid-
erable life span while maintaining its softness
and anatomic fit.
07P1324 SEAC SYNCHRO 18-09-2007 14:56 Pagina 24