Before performing any maintenance opera on, disconnect the appliance from the power supply (unplug it)
using an bipolar switch.
A yearly check is recommended in order to verify:
the proper fastening of the bracket;
the integrity of the li3ing cables and the power supply cable;
that the joints and the sliding rails on both sides of the structure are properly greased.
The technical characteris cs are found in the a+achment (see models on page 6/7/8).
As per Art.13 of the Legisla ve Decree of 25th July 2005 no.151, implementa on of 2002/95/CE,
2002/96/CE and 2003/108/CE direc ves concerning the reduc on the use of harmful substances in electric
and electronic appliances, as well as the waste disposal, please note the following recommenda ons:
The symbol of a barred rubbish bin present on the appliance and on its package indicates that, at the end of
its life, the product must be disposed of separately from the other garbage.
The separated collec on of this appliance, when not in use any more, is organized and managed by the
manufacturer. The users who want to get rid of their appliances must contact the producer and follow the
procedure adopted by them.
The adequate separate collec on for the recycling of this appliance in an environment compa ble disposal
procedure helps prevent harmful eQects on the environment and health and promotes the reuse and/or
recycling of the materials it is made of.
The illegal disposal of the product by the user entails the applica on of administra ve sanc ons, in
compliance with the current legisla on.