Manual ILT2 motorized screens INTERFACE rev. 1-2017 | AdeoSreen All Rights Reserved
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End limits motors setting with MCS-ILT-T setting tool
1. Connect the setting tool to the motor with the phone cable. The LED light turns on.
2. Push the selector switch into the up position.
3. Press the UP or DOWN button of the setting tool. Check if the UP push button controls the UP direction and the DOWN one the
DOWN motion. If not, reverse the rotation direction simply by pushing the STOP push button (1 sec).
4. Adjust the screen to the required position up limit by pressing the UP or DOWN buttons.
5. Push the switch to its MIDDLE position. The UP limit recorded..
6. For the DOWN limit, slide the to the DOWN position.
7. Adjust the screen to the required DOWN limit, by pressing the UP or DOWN buttons.
8. Do not press the STOP button once the DOWN limit is reached. Just let go and the screen will stop.
*NOTE: If you do this then the motor will reverse directions and will not function when you set the switch to the MIDDLE
position to record the DOWN limit. NEW LIMITS WILL NEED TO BE RECORDED AGAIN.
9. Push the selector switch to its MIDDLE position to record the DOWN limit.
10. Check the UP & DOWN limits just set.
End limits motors setting with IR transmitter
-Use the “First” or “Next” button to select one of the motors. The selected motor will acknowledge by doing a small jog.
1) The “First” button to select the first motor connected to the interface.
2) The “Next” button to select the next motor connected to the interface.
3) The “All” button to select all the motors connected to the interface.
Once a motor is selected, you can control it individually.
After 2 min without any operation, all motors will react again to any operation.
1 - Adjust UP end limit:
A) Select the motor
B) To enter in setting mode, press the “Prog” button of the remote control until the screen jogs.
C) Press the UP button until the motor jogs.
D) Then with the UP or DOWN buttons, move the screen to the desired up limit.
Note: If the direction of rotation is not correct, press the STOP button until the screen jogs.
E) Press the Prog button to confirm the limit until the motor jogs.
2 - Adjust DOWN end limit:
A) Select the motor
B) To enter in setting mode, press the “Prog” button of the remote control until the screen jogs.
C) Press the DOWN button until the motor jogs.
D) Then with the UP or DOWN buttons, move the screen to the desired up limit.
E) Press the Prog button to confirm the limit until the motor jogs.
3 - Readjusting the end limit(s)
Please refer to: UP and DOWN end limits setting (1 and 2 point)
Format s
etting with IR transmitter
-Buttons 1 to 7 will be used to set 1 to 7 formats.
-By default, buttons 1 to 7 are not set, button with white background stands for the user "Open" or "Full closure" or "Deco
Mask" movements.
A) With the “selection motor buttons” and “Up – Down buttons” to move each motor (mask or projection fabric) to the desired
B) then press the selected button (eg : button1) until all the screens jog.
-TIPS: During the adjustment of the screen, if you press and hold the UP or DOWN button, the screen moves step by step. You can
use this function for a better adjustment of the screen.
To call a format, press on the desired format button.
Please refer to : FORMAT SETTING
A) Press the format button corresponding to the format to delete. The screens go to the memorized position.
B) Press the corresponding format button until all the screens jog. The format is deleted.