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Scan for available networks
When the main WAN or the backup WAN is set on WiFi (WAN3) you can scan the surrounding area and attempt to connect to a
new wireless access point.
1. Enter the router’s Web interface (WebUI).
2. Go to the
page and click the Scan button to scan the surrounding area as shown in picture below.
3. You will be redirected to the window shown below.
4. Pressing Start scan will initiate a scan for available WiFi Access Points in the area. After the scan finishes, you will see a list of
these Access points. Choose one according to your liking and press the Join Network button next to it.
5. Type in the password to access the selected network and press Save.
5. You’re now connected to the external wireless access point, the free Internet signal is available on board.
WiFi + 4G onBoard - Quick start guide