10. Clip the snap of the Power Grip release (included in your downrigger kit)
to the downrigger weight, or if using a trolling snap style, a few feet up
from the weight. Let between 5 - 30 ft. of fishing line out (with your bait or
lure attached to the end) then attach your fishing line to the Power Grip
release by squeezing the jaws apart and placing your fishing line between
the pads (see diagram on page 3). You can adjust the release tension by
placing the fishing line further into the jaws. To further increase the release
tension you can move the tension adjuster slider to the out position.
11. With your fishing rod in a rod holder, set the tension on your reel so that
the line will pay out, but with enough drag tension so that it doesn’t free
wheel. It is important to have your fishing line tight to the downrigger line
because you may lose the fish if it has slack line after releasing from the
downrigger release clip.
12. The downrigger weight is lowered by moving the brake handle in a
clockwise direction. You can go as fast or as slow as you wish, but it is
usually best to descend at a slow, even rate to eliminate fouling your
fishing line and tackle with the downrigger cable.
After each use, it is advisable to rinse off your downrigger with fresh water to
avoid salt build-up. The unit is made of non-corrosive materials, but a build
up of salt and seaweed could affect performance.