Scott 2007 A Owner'S Manual Download Page 10



















FFoorr bbuuyyiinngg ssppaarree ppaarrttss w

wee ssttrroonnggllyy rreeccoom


meenndd ttoo vviissiitt

yyoouurr llooccaall S

Sccootttt ddeeaalleerr aass hhee kknnoow

wss bbeesstt w

whhiicchh ppaarrttss


wiillll ffiitt ttoo yyoouurr bbiikkee aanndd ccaann hheellpp yyoouu ttoo m

maakkee yyoouurr cchhooii--

ccee ooff ppaarrttss m

maattcchhiinngg ttoo yyoouurr bbiikkee..


Byy ddooiinngg ssoo,, yyoouu ccaann aavvooiidd aa ccoom

mbbiinnaattiioonn ooff ppaarrttss tthhaatt


miigghhtt nnoott m

maattcchh ttoo eeaacchh ootthheerr..

PPlleeaassee oonnllyy uussee oorriiggiinnaall ssppaarree ppaarrttss aass oonnllyy tthheessee ccaann
gguuaarraanntteeee ooppttiim


m ffuunnccttiioonn aanndd ssaaffeettyy w

whhiillee rriiddiinngg..

TThhiiss iiss eexxttrreem

meellyy iim

mppoorrttaanntt oonn ppaarrttss ooff tthhee bbrraakkee ssyysstteem


tthhee ttiirree aanndd aaiirr ttuubbee..
PPlleeaassee nnoottee tthhaatt S

Sccootttt iiss nnoott rreessppoonnssiibbllee ffoorr ddaam


ccaauusseedd bbyy nnoott uussiinngg oorriiggiinnaall ssppaarree ppaarrttss..

Neevveerr uussee aaddaapptteerr ssoolluuttiioonnss ttoo ffiixx oorr aasssseem

mbbllee bbrraakkeess,,

sseeaatt//sseeaattppoosstt aanndd sstteem

m//hhaannddllee bbaarr!!  


In order to keep the function and optic of the bike in
good condition we recommend periodical bicycle care.

Doing so keeps the value of the bike and helps to pre-
vent from corrosion or other damages:

-  clean with soft brush, water and soft towel. Do not

use high pressure cleaner, otherwise bearings,
color or decals can be damaged.

-  Do not use aggressive cleaning additives

-  Repair color damages at once

-  Grease or oil all metal parts especially during winter


Please use biodegradable bicycle cleaners and
degreasers which are offered at your local dealer.


Summary of Contents for 2007 A

Page 1: ...F R30 020 A OWNERS MANUAL BEDIENUNGSANLEITUNG MANUEL D UTILISATION BIKE OWNERS MANUAL 2007 2005 Scott Sports SA all rights reserved WWW SCOTT SPORTS COM Scott Sports SA Route du Crochet 17 1762 Givisi...

Page 2: ...dle height S 3 Suspension on Scott mountain bikes S 3 Gears S 4 Chain maintenance S 4 Brakes S 5 Tires and rims S 8 Maintenance and care S 14 Bicycle care S 17 Trouble shooting S 19 Warranty S 20 Part...

Page 3: ...also on its height You can accurately adjust the height of the saddle to the length of your legs when you proceed as follows 1 Straddle the saddle Place the ball of your foot on the pedal nearest to...

Page 4: ...see illustrations Largest chain wheel largest sprocket Smallest chain wheel smallest sprocket CHAIN MAINTENANCE Regularly check that your chain is clean and well lubri cated Have your dealer check the...

Page 5: from those for the right side 3 Slide the new pad into the shoe and make sure that the direction is correct and that the security pin holes concord 4 The insertion of the security fixing pin is...

Page 6: ...When riding in wet and muddy terrain for example the rim is quickly worm out Small cracks in the brake surface of the rim or a deformation of the brake surface on the rim when increasing the tire pres...

Page 7: ...erence between safe clamping force and unsafe clamping force Front Wheel Secondary Retention Devices Most bicycles have front forks which utilize a secondary wheel retention device to keep the wheel f...

Page 8: ...responsibility when using a baby seat on bikes mentioned above There are too many different baby seat and baby seat fixation systems on the market to give a detailed table of systems that might fit wi...

Page 9: ...sion fork on perfect function and play in the bushings MAINTENANCE AND CARE PLEASE CHECK ADDITIONALLY MONTHLY chain wear and tension on bikes equipped with internal gear hubs Readjust if necessary cle...

Page 10: ...s i is s e ex xt tr re em me el ly y i im mp po or rt ta an nt t o on n p pa ar rt ts s o of f t th he e b br ra ak ke e s sy ys st te em m t th he e t ti ir re e a an nd d a ai ir r t tu ub be e P P...

Page 11: ...8 Nm 4 9 6 8 Nm 35 49 Nm 30 49 Nm 35 45 Nm 35 50 Nm 7 8 10 7 Nm 50 70 Nm 40 Nm 5 6 7 8 Nm 9 8 13 7 Nm 2 8 3 9 Nm 5 6 7 8 Nm 9 8 13 7 Nm 5 6 8 Nm 5 8 7 8 Nm 5 6 8 Nm 6 Nm 6 8 Nm 9 Nm 12 Nm 4 Nm 2 4 Nm...

Page 12: ...thermore this warranty is limited to purchases via authorized SCOTT dealers to the exclusion of purchases via internet auctions In case of a warranty claim the decision to repair or to replace the def...

Page 13: ...alt etc Cleaning and greasing will help to prolong its life but you will have to replace the chain when reaching the wear limit S Sh hi if ft ti in ng g a an nd d b br ra ak ke e c ca ab bl le es s Al...

Page 14: ...o enclosed service manual Check of shifters and derailleurs incl cables Date of Service Dealers Signature SCOTT SERVICE PLAN Model __________________________ Year __________________________ Size _____...

Page 15: ...o enclosed service manual Check of shifters and derailleurs incl cables Date of Service Dealers Signature SCOTT SERVICE PLAN Model __________________________ Year __________________________ Size _____...

Page 16: ...s Check of swingarm pivot incl axle and mounts Check of rear shock according to the enclosed shock manual Check of hubs bottom bracket and headset Check of all screws of the bike Check of handle bar s...

Page 17: Pflege und Wartungshinweisen habe ich erhalten ich wurde auch m ndlich eingewiesen Le manuel d utilisation m a t remis ainsi qu une information orale sur son contenu I m aware that the duty for t...
